Translation of "Annoyed" in Spanish

0.005 sec.

Examples of using "Annoyed" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

- Tom is annoyed with Mary.
- Tom is annoyed with Maria.

Tom está molesto con María.

Tom was visibly annoyed.

Tom estaba visiblemente molesto.

You sound really annoyed.

Suenas realmente enfadado.

I'm annoyed at your selfishness.

Me molesta tu egoísmo.

Tom seems uncomfortable and annoyed.

Tom parece incómodo y enojado.

They're already annoyed at me.

Ya están enfadados conmigo.

Nevertheless, he is annoyed about it.

Sin embargo, está molesto por eso.

I'm tired, and a bit annoyed.

Estoy cansado y un poco enfadado.

You were really annoyed with Mary.

Te enfadaste mucho con Mary.

I was annoyed at his behavior.

Su comportamiento me molestó.

He annoyed us with his complaints.

Nos daba lata con sus quejas.

She is annoyed at his ignorance.

Ella está enfadada por su ignorancia.

She is very annoyed with me.

Ella está muy molesta conmigo.

I know why Tom got annoyed.

Sé por qué Tom se enojó.

I'm annoyed that I can't go.

Me fastidia no poder ir.

annoyed about their encounters with the police

molestos por sus encuentros con la policía,

Who should I be more annoyed with?

- ¿Con quién debería estar más enojado?
- ¿Con quién debería estar más enojada?

I was very much annoyed with him.

Estaba yo muy molesto con él.

He became forgetful, which annoyed him intensely.

Se volvió olvidadizo, lo cual le disgustaba sobremanera.

His face showed that he was annoyed.

Se le veía en la cara que estaba aburrido.

The cigarette smoke annoyed the other passengers.

El humo de los cigarrillos molestó a los otros pasajeros.

I got very annoyed at her remarks.

Me molestaron mucho sus comentarios.

I was annoyed and irritated that entire day,

Estuve enfadada y molesta todo ese día

Something that has annoyed me for many years ...

Algo que me ha molestado durante muchos años ...

I was annoyed with him for interrupting me.

Me enfadé porque él me estaba estorbando.

He's annoyed because she always gets there late.

Está enfadado porque ella siempre llega tarde.

Waiting for too long makes most people annoyed.

Esperar durante tanto tiempo molesta a la mayoría de personas.

- You sound really annoyed.
- You sound ticked off.

Suenas realmente enfadado.

Tom annoyed me with a lot of questions.

Tom me fastidió con muchas preguntas.

I get annoyed when I am kept waiting.

Me molesta que me hagan esperar.

The young girl carrying a flute seemed annoyed.

La jovencita que llevaba una flauta parecía molesta.

- Tom must be angry.
- Tom must be annoyed.

Tom debe de estar enfadado.

And it's when we're most annoyed and most curious

Y es cuando más nos enojamos, y somos curiosos

First, they're annoyed as they're probed going through court security.

Primero, están molestos por tener que pasar el control la seguridad de la corte.

Be careful of what you say, for he's easily annoyed.

Ten cuidado con lo que dices porque se molesta muy fácilmente.

I get annoyed when I couldn't fall asleep, and I get frustrated,

Me molestaba cuando no lograba dormirme y me frustraba,

- She is very annoyed with me.
- She is very angry with me.

Ella está muy molesta conmigo.

The people next door were annoyed with us for making so much noise last night.

Los vecinos de al lado estaban disgustados con nosotros por hacer tanto ruido la noche pasada.

- Loud music always makes Fred hit the roof.
- When Fred hears loud music, he gets annoyed.

Cuando Fred oye que la música está muy fuerte, se enfada.

- While eating a pizza he was annoying his sister.
- Eating a pizza, he annoyed his sister.

Él fastidiaba a su hermana mientras comía una pizza.