Translation of "Selfish" in Spanish

0.022 sec.

Examples of using "Selfish" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

We're selfish.

Somos egoístas.

I'm selfish.

Soy egoísta.

You're really selfish.

Él es realmente egoísta.

He's really selfish.

Él es realmente egoísta.

You're so selfish.

Sos muy egoísta.

Love is selfish.

El amor es egoísta.

She's annoying and selfish.

Ella es fastidiosa y egoísta.

What a selfish woman!

¡Qué mujer egoísta!

He's arrogant and selfish.

Él es arrogante y egoísta.

Sorry for being selfish.

- Perdona por mi comportamiento.
- Perdón por mi obstinación.

Yanni is more selfish.

Yanni es más egoísta.

Be a little less selfish.

ser un poco menos egoísta.

He's a very selfish person.

- Él es una persona muy egoísta.
- Es una persona muy egoísta.

She is a selfish person.

Ella es una persona egoísta.

He is selfish and greedy.

Es egoísta y avaricioso.

Specially, we shouldn't be selfish.

Sobre todo, no podemos ser egoístas.

Angelica Pickles is very selfish.

Angelica Pickles es muy egoísta.

She is a selfish woman.

Ella es una mujer egoísta.

Tom isn't at all selfish.

Tom no es egoísta para nada.

- I don't think Tom is selfish.
- I don't think that Tom is selfish.

No creo que Tom sea egoísta.

She is by no means selfish.

Ella no es nada egoísta.

How can you be so selfish?

¿Cómo podés ser tan egoísta?

Tom is very selfish, isn't he?

Tom es muy egoísta, ¿verdad?

I don't think Tom is selfish.

No pienso que Tom sea egoísta.

I don't intend to be selfish.

- No tengo la intención de ser egoísta.
- No pretendo ser egoísta.

"You would be selfish to have children."

"Sería egoísta por tu parte tener hijos".

If we humans are merely selfish maximizers,

Si los humanos somos simplemente maximizadores egoístas,

Is that every platform is so selfish.

es que cada plataforma es tan egoísta.

The selfish man was despised by his colleagues.

Al hombre egoísta lo despreciaron sus colegas.

Above all things, we must not be selfish.

Sobre todas las cosas, no debemos ser egoístas.

It is deplorable that she is so selfish.

Es una lástima que ella sea tan egoísta.

Perhaps you are right, I have been selfish.

Quizás tengas razón, fui un egoísta.

And I read slowly to remember the Selfish Giant,

Y leí lentamente para recordar a El gigante egoísta,

Am I that selfish or he's just too naive?

¿Acaso soy tan egoísta, o él tan sólo es demasiado ingenuo?

A selfish man thinks of nothing but his own feelings.

Un hombre egoísta sólo piensa en sus propios sentimientos.

It is true that she is pretty, but she is selfish.

Es verdad que es guapa, pero es egoísta.

You shouldn't allow your son to act like a selfish brat.

No deberías permitir que tu hijo se comporte como un mocoso engreído.

I wouldn't want Tom as a friend because he's very selfish.

Jamás querría a Tom como amigo, porque él es muy egoísta.

Women need to learn to be more selfish, demand their sexual pleasure.

Las mujeres necesitan aprender a ser más egoístas, exigir su placer sexual.

He made me a better human being; more humble, less selfish, less arrogant.

Me hizo ser un ser humano mejor; más humilde, menos egoísta, menos arrogante.

The author Oscar Wilde wrote the story of "The Selfish Giant" in 1888.

El autor Oscar Wilde escribió la historia de "El gigante egoísta" en 1888.

That was pretty selfish of Tom not to let you use the car.

Fue muy egoísta de Tom no dejarte usar el auto.

It is lame, it is lousy, and it is selfish, and it still works."

Es patético, torpe y egoísta, pero aun así funciona".

Stop being so selfish. The red shoes you wanted are sold out, and only the blue ones are left.

Para de ser tan egoísta. Los zapatos rojos que querías están agotados, y solo quedan los azules.

"She's been really selfish and self-centred", I thought, "whereas, for me, the word 'love' is sacred and deep."

"Ella ha sido realmente egoísta y egocéntrica", pensé, "mientras que, para mí, la palabra 'amor' es sagrada y profunda".

You men, you're all selfish and heartless, and us women, who are always loving and compassionate, we're forced to obey you!

¡Vosotros, los hombres, sois todos egoístas y crueles, y nosotras, las mujeres, que siempre somos cariñosas y compasivas, estamos obligadas a obedeceros!

Truth is pure, but truth is painful. No sane, selfish person would ever accept things for what they are. Such is the masochism inherent in "truth".

La verdad es pura, pero dolorosa. Ninguna persona cuerda y egoísta aceptaría nunca las cosas como son. Ése es el masoquismo inherente a la "verdad".

- Keep your son from having his own way.
- You shouldn't allow your son to act like a selfish brat.
- You shouldn't allow your son to always have his own way.

No deberías permitir a tu hijo salirse siempre con la suya.

It was to say that going to the station was too much of a bother after all so I should come to the hotel she's staying at. Good grief, what a selfish woman!

Quiere que vaya al hotel donde se está quedando porque le cansa ir hasta la estación. Cielos, qué mujer más egoísta.