Translation of "Scratching" in Spanish

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Scratching" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

She's scratching her hand.

Ella se está rascando la mano.

Tom is scratching Mary.

Tom arrasca a Mary.

I've been scratching my head, thinking.

He estado pensando, dándole vueltas en la cabeza.

If you're just scratching the surface

Si solo estás rascando la superficie

He has the habit of scratching his head.

Tiene la costumbre de rascarse la cabeza.

Tom could hear the cat scratching the door.

Tom podía oír al gato rasguñando la puerta.

Since then, people have been injecting, scratching and swallowing

Desde entonces, la gente se

The sociologist has a habit of scratching his back.

El sociólogo tiene el hábito de rascarse la espalda.

I can hear a cat scratching at the window.

Puedo oír a un gato arañando la ventana.

He has a habit of scratching his back and biting his nails.

Él tiene la costumbre de rascarse la espalda y comerse las uñas.

It's kind of like scratching its head a little bit in response to stress

es como solo rascarse la cabeza para lidiar con él,