Translation of "Representative" in Spanish

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Representative" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

We are probably representative

probablemente somos representativos

Tom was elected class representative.

Tom fue elegido representante de su grupo.

- I am the legal representative for the company.
- I am the company's legal representative.

Soy el representante legal de la empresa.

We appointed him as our representative.

Le nombramos nuestro representante.

We adopt him as our representative.

Lo nombramos nuestro representante.

They chose him as their representative.

Ellos lo eligieron como su representante.

You elect your representative by voting.

Tú eliges a tu representante votando.

Very representative of the whole civil society,

muy representativo del conjunto de la sociedad,

Representative democracy is one form of government.

La democracia representativa es una forma de gobierno.

Who is the current representative from France?

¿Quién es el actual representante de Francia?

He's an accredited representative of the Canadian government.

Es un representante acreditado del gobierno canadiense.

And former Hackney Youth Parliament representative agreed, saying,

y ex representante del Parlamento de la Juventud de Hackney coincidió y dijo:

As a representative branch of the Bayer chemical company.

como sucursal representativa de la empresa química Bayer.

I've just got a representative couple of quotes here

Aquí tengo un par de frases representativas;

It may not be representative if it's only one data point.

ya que puede no ser representativo, si es un hecho atípico.

In 1808, he sent Murat to Spain  to act as his representative.

En 1808, envió a Murat a España para actuar como su representante.

This is a representative, not a comprehensive, list of various types of vaccines.

Ésta es una lista representativa, no exhaustiva, de distintos tipos de vacunas.

In this country, any fool can be a governor, a representative or a senator.

En este país, cualquier tilingo es gobernador, diputado o senador.