Translation of "Lever" in Spanish

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Examples of using "Lever" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Please push up the lever.

- Por favor, levanta la palanca.
- Por favor, ponga la palanca hacia arriba.

The screw, the lever, the wedge, the pulley, etc. are called simple machines.

El tornillo, la palanca, la cuña, la polea, etc. se llaman máquinas simples.

Tom put two slices of bread into the toaster and pushed down on the lever.

Tom puso dos rebanadas de pan en la tostadora y bajó la bandeja.

There are torches that do not need batteries. Some are charged by shaking them, some by cranking a handle and others by repeatedly pressing a lever.

Hay linternas que no necesitan pilas. Unas se cargan agitándolas, otras girando una manivela y otras apretando repetidas veces una palanca.