Translation of "Having  " in Spanish

0.064 sec.

Examples of using "Having  " in a sentence and their spanish translations:

- We are having dinner.
- We're having dinner.

Estamos cenando.

- We are having breakfast.
- We're having breakfast.

- Nosotros desayunamos.
- Estamos desayunando.

- We are having lunch.
- We're having lunch.

Estamos almorzando.

- We're having a barbie.
- We're having a barbecue.

Estamos haciendo una barbacoa.

- I'm having fun.
- I'm having a good time.

Me estoy divirtiendo.

I'm having breakfast.

estoy desayunando.

We're having fun.

Nos estamos divirtiendo.

I'm having rice.

Estoy comiendo arroz.

They're having fun.

Se están divirtiendo.

I'm having fun.

Me estoy divirtiendo.

We're having company.

Tenemos visita.

I'm having difficulties.

Estoy teniendo dificultades.

I'm having soup.

- Bebo sopa.
- Tomo sopa.

- We are having a meeting.
- We're having a meeting.

Estamos en una reunión.

- I am having a nap.
- I'm having a kip.

Estoy tomando una siesta.

- She is having coffee now.
- He is having coffee now.

- Ella está tomando café ahora.
- Él está tomando café ahora.
- Ahora está tomando café.

- I'm having a hard time concentrating.
- I'm having trouble focusing.

Me cuesta concentrarme.

- I'm having a rough week.
- I'm having a hard week.

Estoy teniendo una semana difícil.

- He says he's having fun.
- She says she's having fun.

Dice que se está divirtiendo.

We were having breakfast.

estábamos desayunando,

While you're having them.

a medida que las obtienes.

Without having the Internet.

sin tener Internet.

So having that said,

Habiendo dicho eso,

Imagine having a superpower.

Imaginen tener un superpoder.

Not having had children.

No haber tenido hijos.

He is having lunch.

Él está almorzando.

They're having a conversation.

Ellos conversan.

He is having dinner.

Él está cenando.

I'm having trouble focusing.

Estoy teniendo problemas para concentrarme.

I was having lunch.

Estaba almorzando.

We're having lunch here.

Estamos almorzando aquí.

Tom was having fun.

- Tom se lo estaba pasando bien.
- Tom se estaba divirtiendo.

I'm having problems again.

Tengo problemas otra vez.

I'm just having fun.

Solo me estoy divirtiendo.

She is having dinner.

Está cenando.

Tom is having fun.

Tom la está pasando bien.

We were having lunch.

Estábamos almorzando.

Thanks for having me.

Gracias por recibirme.

I'm having my period.

Tengo la regla.

She is having lunch.

Ella está almorzando ahora mismo.

- We are having a good time.
- We're having a good time.

- La estamos pasando bien.
- Estamos pasando un buen rato.

- Tom's having a good time.
- Tom is having a good time.

Tomás se lo está pasando bien.

- We are having a mild winter.
- We're having a mild winter.

Estamos teniendo un invierno suave.

He was not having it. Okay? He was not having it.

No lo entendía, ¿sí? No lo entendía.

And having your own voice.

y tener una voz propia.

After having eaten a lot.

habiendo comido mucho a hacer un experimento.

We were having a conversation.

estábamos conversando.

Talk about not having time.

Y me dicen que no hay tiempo.

Buying rewards, just having fun.

comprando recompensas y divirtiéndose.

Everyone's confident, everyone's having fun.

todos se sienten seguros y se divierten.

After having written various novels,

Después de haber escrito varias novelas,

The boy acknowledged having lied.

El chico reconoció haber mentido.

He denied having met her.

Él negó haberla encontrado.

I hope you're having fun.

Espero que te estés divirtiendo.

They are having a chat.

Ellos están teniendo una charla.

We're having some friends over.

Estoy pensando en llamar a mis amigos.

She is having lunch now.

Ella está almorzando ahora mismo.

She is having dinner now.

Ella está cenando ahora.

She is having coffee now.

Ella está tomando café ahora.

She denied having been there.

Ella negó haber estado ahí.

They are having breakfast now.

Ellos están desayunando ahora.

He regrets having been lazy.

Él lamenta haber sido perezoso.

He denies having done it.

Él niega haberlo hecho.

He denied having done it.

Negó haberlo hecho.

He is still having doubts.

Él se quedó con la sangre en el ojo.

Tom denied having done it.

Tom negó haberlo hecho.

I regret having said so.

Lamento haber dicho eso.

The kids are having fun.

Los niños se están divirtiendo.

I am having a shower.

- Me estoy duchando.
- Me estoy dando una ducha.

Having unprotected sex is dangerous.

Tener relaciones sexuales sin usar protección es peligroso.

Everyone's having a great time.

Todos la están pasando bien.

He is having coffee now.

- Él está tomando café ahora.
- Ahora está tomando café.