Translation of "Disturbed" in Spanish

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Examples of using "Disturbed" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

We disturbed him.

Lo molestamos.

She disturbed the neighbors.

Ella fastidió a los vecinos.

- Tom is deeply disturbed.
- Tom is very disturbed.
- Tom is very uncomfortable.

Tom está muy incómodo.

The news disturbed her greatly.

La noticia la inquietó mucho.

You are one disturbed woman!

¡Eres una mujer perturbada!

I don't like to be disturbed.

No me gusta que me molesten.

I don't want to be disturbed.

No quiero ser molestado.

Tom doesn't want to be disturbed.

Tom no quiere que lo molesten.

I didn't want to be disturbed.

No quería ser molestado.

Tom doesn't like to be disturbed.

- A Tom no le gusta ser molestado.
- A Tom no le gusta que le molesten.

I'm sorry to have disturbed you.

- Lamento haberte molestado.
- Siento haberte molestado.

Martin, they naturally feel disturbed by people.

, naturalmente se sienten perturbados por la gente.

I am sorry if I disturbed you.

Discúlpame si es que te he molestado.

I can't stand being disturbed in my work.

No puedo soportar ser molestado en el trabajo.

When disturbed, they produce light via a chemical reaction.

Cuando se los molesta, producen luz a través de una reacción química.

It's pointless to argue with a disturbed individual like that.

Es inútil discutir así con un individuo trastornado.

- I'm deeply offended by this.
- I'm very disturbed by this.

Estoy profundamente ofendido por esto.

But if they’re disturbed or provoked they will certainly defend themselves.

pero si los molestan o provocan, ciertamente se defenderán.

Who don’t like being disturbed. Black rhino populations are slowly increasing.

A la que no le gusta que la molesten. Las poblaciones de rinocerontes negros aumentan lentamente.

The post that fell in the road disturbed the city traffic.

El poste que se tumbó en la pista desorganizó el tránsito en la ciudad.

- I don't want to be disturbed.
- I don't want to be bothered.

No quiero ser molestado.

The silence in the library was disturbed by the ringing of a cell phone.

El silencio en la biblioteca fue roto por el sonar de un celular.

[Lyrics] Truth is here, we're all disturbed we cheat and lie, it's so absurd

♪ La verdad está aquí, todos estamos perturbados, engañamos, mentimos, es muy absurdo. ♪

- Tom is confused.
- Tom's confused.
- Tom is baffled.
- Tom is disturbed.
- Tom is puzzled.

Tomás está confundido.

- If my wife calls, just tell her I'm in an important meeting and cannot be disturbed.
- If my wife calls, just tell her I'm in an important meeting and can't be disturbed.

Si mi mujer llama, solo dile que estoy en una reunión importante y no puedo ser molestado.

Men are disturbed not by things, but by the views which they take of things.

No son las cosas las que atormentan a los hombres, sino la opinión que se tiene de ellas.

Due to the typhoon, the train schedule was disturbed and all the trains were jam-packed.

Debido al huracán, los horarios de los trenes se desordenaron, y todos estos se hallaban aglomerados.

Disturbed away from its burrow, the aardvark can escape its enemies by digging at incredible speed.

Intranquilo fuera de su madriguera, el cerdo hormiguero puede escapar de sus enemigos al cavar a increíble velocidad.

- I can't stand being disturbed in my work.
- I can't stand to be interfered with in my work.

No puedo soportar ser molestado en el trabajo.

- Tom looks very uncomfortable.
- Tom looked uncomfortable.
- Tom seemed uncomfortable.
- Tom seemed displeased.
- Tom looked displeased.
- Tom seemed disturbed.

Tom parece muy incómodo.