Translation of "Stirred" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Stirred" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

Tom and Mary stirred their coffee.

Tom e Mary mexeram o café.

He stirred the paint before using it.

Mexa a tinta antes de usar.

Tom stirred his coffee with a spoon.

Tom mexeu o café com uma colher.

She stirred the milk into her coffee.

Ela misturou o leite com o café.

Tom stirred his coffee before drinking it.

O Tom mexeu o café antes de beber.

Mary was burned while she stirred the rice.

Maria se queimou enquanto mexia o arroz.

The Antilles Sea is often stirred up by hurricanes.

O mar das Antilhas é frequentemente agitado por furacões.

The paint was a little hard, so it had to be stirred.

A tinta estava um pouco dura, então precisei mexê-la.

So spake the son of Othrys, and forthright, / my spirit stirred with impulse from on high, / I rush to arms amid the flames and fight, / where yells the war-fiend and the warrior's cry, / mixt with the din of strife, mounts upward to the sky.

As palavras de Panto e a vontade dos deuses / de encontro às chamas e aos combates me arremessam: / da Erínia vingadora aos chamados atendo, / no retinir das armas, no alarido / do tumulto que até no céu ressoa.

- "She herself hurled the swift lightning bolt of Jupiter from the clouds, scattered the boats, and overturned the seas with the winds; she snatched him in a whirlwind while he was breathing out flames from his pierced chest, and impaled him on a sharp rock."
- "She, hurling Jove's winged lightning, stirred the deep / and strewed the ships. Him, from his riven breast / the flames outgasping, with a whirlwind's sweep / she caught and fixed upon a rock's sharp crest."

"O raio rápido de Júpiter das nuvens / disparando, os navios dispersou, / os mares agitou com vendavais, / com turbilhão furioso arrebatou / aquele réu, de cujo peito traspassado / jorravam chamas; num rochedo pontiagudo / foi deixá-lo cravado. Isso ela fez!"