Translation of "Stains" in Portuguese

0.083 sec.

Examples of using "Stains" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

His hands had nicotine stains.

Nas suas mãos havia manchas de nicotina.

Can coffee stains be removed?

As manchas de café podem ser removidas?

There were blood stains on the floor.

Havia manchas de sangue no chão.

"What are these stains on the floor?" "Blood."

"O que são estas manchas no chão?" "Sangue."

How do you remove red wine stains from your carpet?

Como você tira manchas de vinho tinto do seu tapete?

With the mop I remove all the stains and prescribed sins.

Com o esfregão eu tiro as manchas todas e os pecados prescritos.

There were some ink stains on the cover of that book.

Havia algumas nódoas de tinta na capa desse livro.

There were blood stains on the shirt that the police found under Tom's bed.

Havia manchas de sangue na camisa que a polícia encontrou debaixo da cama de Tom.