Translation of "Heavens" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Heavens" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

Good heavens!

Valha-me, Deus!

- Good heavens!
- Good Heavens!
- Sweet sassy molassy!


Suddenly the heavens opened.

De repente, os céus se abriram.

The heavens do not err.

O céu não comete erros.

Many stars shine in the heavens.

Muitas estrelas brilham nos céus.

Many stars were shining in the heavens.

Muitas estrelas brilhavam nos céus.

Thousands of stars shone in the heavens.

Milhares de estrelas brilhavam no céu.

The heavens have granted him many special talents.

O céu lhe concedeu talentos muito especiais.

- Good heavens!
- Omigod!
- Jesus Christ!
- Oh my God!

Meu Deus!

Ask for the moon and I shall wrest it from the heavens.

- Eu iria buscar a lua se você me pedisse.
- Eu te daria a lua se me pedisses.

In the heavens there is magic. Electrons cast from the sun bombard the Earth.

Nos céus... há magia. Partículas elétricas provenientes do Sol atingem a Terra.

So the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the furniture of them.

Assim foram concluídos os céus e a terra, com tudo o que neles há.

Fadil stood up and raised his arms over his head as if to thank the heavens.

Fadil levantou-se e ergueu os braços acima da cabeça, como se quisesse agradecer aos céus.

- In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
- In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth.
- In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
- In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

No princípio Deus criou os céus e a terra.

- In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
- In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth.
- In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

No princípio Deus criou os céus e a terra.

A perfectly healthy sentence, it is true, is extremely rare. For the most part we miss the hue and fragrance of the thought; as if we could be satisfied with the dews of the morning or evening without their colors, or the heavens without their azure.

Uma frase perfeita, plena de vigor, é, com certeza, extremamente rara. Geralmente perdemos o matiz e a fragrância do pensamento; como se nos pudéssemos contentar com o orvalho da manhã, ou com a noite destituída de suas cores, ou com o céu sem seu azul.

- Suddenly the clouds snatch away both sky and even daylight from the eyes of the Trojans: black night lies upon the sea; the poles thunder, and the upper air flashes with repeated fires, and all things threaten immediate death for the men.
- Clouds the darkened heavens have drowned, / and snatched the daylight from the Trojans' eyes. / Black night broods on the waters; all around / from pole to pole the rattling peals resound / and frequent flashes light the lurid air. / All nature, big with instant ruin, frowned / destruction.

De repente, / as nuvens toldam o céu, roubando a luz / aos olhos dos troianos, qual se as trevas / da noite já descessem sobre o mar. / Os polos estrondeiam; com frequentes / relâmpagos, cintila todo o espaço, / e de morte iminente a natureza / ameaça aqueles homens.