Translation of "17th" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "17th" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

This oil painting dates from the 17th century.

Esta pintura a óleo data do século XVII.

Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated on March 17th.

O Dia de São Patrício é comemorado no dia 17 de março.

The castle was constructed in the 17th century.

O castelo foi construído no século XVII.

The first American colonists arrived in the 17th century.

Os primeiros colonos americanos chegaram no século 17.

But on February 17th only one of them returned to Hong Kong.

Mas em 17 de fevereiro, somente um deles voltou para Hong Kong.

Including one that's all about sharks. Some of these go back to the 16th and 17th centuries,

incluindo um só sobre tubarões. Alguns deles remontam aos séculos XVI e XVII,

The Galilean moons are the four moons of Jupiter that were discovered by Galileo Galilei in the 17th century.

As luas galileanas são as quatro luas de Júpiter descobertas por Galileu Galilei no século dezessete.