Translation of "“it" in Portuguese

0.017 sec.

Examples of using "“it" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

Touching it, feeling it, tasting it.

Tocar-lhe, senti-lo, saboreá-lo.

- Take it!
- Take it.
- Grab it!


- Take it, or leave it.
- Take it or leave it.

Toma ou deixa.

- Forget it.
- Just leave it.
- Give it up.
- Leave it.

- Deixe-o.
- Deixa ele.
- Desista.

- It was totally worth it.
- It was totally worth it!

Valeu totalmente a pena.

Test it, weight it, commit to it.

Testamos, analisamos e avançamos.

- Stop it!
- Stop it.

Pare com isso!

- Forget it.
- Forget it!

- Esqueça.
- Esquece.
- Esqueça isso.
- Esqueçam.
- Esqueça!
- Deixa.

- It stinks.
- It stinks!

Isso fede.

- Take it!
- Take it.

- Pegue-o!
- Peguem-no!
- Pegue-o.
- Pega-o.
- Pegue-a.
- Pega-a.
- Peguem-na.

It isn't worth it!

Não vale a pena!

It was worth it.

Isso valeu a pena.

- Leave it!
- Leave it.

Deixe para lá.

Was it worth it?

Valeu a pena?

That's it, isn't it?

É isso, não é?

- It hurts.
- It hurts!

Isso machuca.

- Drop it!
- Loosen it.

Diz lá.

Favorite it, star it.

o favorite, marque a estrela.

Don't touch it. Leave it as it is.

Não o toque. Deixe-o como está.

- It's not worth it.
- It isn't worth it.

- Isso não vale a pena.
- Não vale a pena.




When it rains, it pours.

Desgraça pouca é bobagem.

Is it really worth it?

Vale mesmo a pena?

- Forget it.
- Forget about it.


- Turn it off.
- Close it.

- Desliga-o.
- Desligue-o.

It might be worth it.

Pode valer a pena.

- It stinks.
- It smells bad.

Isso fede.

Perhaps it was worth it.

Talvez tenha valido a pena.

It is what it is.

É o que é.

It wasn't you, was it?

Não foi você, foi?

It wasn't Tom, was it?

- Não foi Tom, não é?
- Não era Tom, não é?

It was Tom, wasn't it?

Foi o Tom, não foi?

It smells weird, doesn't it?

Não está com um cheiro estranho?

Was it all worth it?

Valeu a pena?

It was almost worth it.

Quase valeu a pena.

- Shut it off.
- Close it.

- Desligue-o.
- Desligue-a.

Swallow it. Don't chew it.

Engula-o, sem mastigar.

It was Tom's, wasn't it?

Era do Tom, não era?

It was inevitable, wasn't it?

Era inevitável, não era?

- This is it.
- That's it.

É isso.

- It snowed.
- It was snowing.

Estava nevando.

It smells good, doesn't it?

Tem um cheiro bom, não tem?

It keeps it really simple.

Isso mantém ela bem simples.

- Think about it.
- Please think about it.
- Consider it.

Pense nisso.

- Is it bad?
- Is it serious?
- Is it important?

É grave?

- You deserved it.
- You've earned it.
- You earned it.

Você mereceu.

- You made it!
- You've done it.
- You made it.

Você conseguiu!

- It was fabulous.
- It was great.
- It was fab.

- Isso foi fabuloso.
- Isso estava fabuloso.

Like it, share it, tell other people about it,

curta, compartilhe, fale sobre ele para outras pessoas

- Like it?
- Are you enjoying it?
- You like it?
- Do you like it?

Você gosta?

- If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
- If it isn't broken, don't fix it.
- Don't fix it if it ain't broke.

Não conserte se não está quebrado.

- Do it yourself.
- Do it by yourself.
- Do it yourself!
- Do it by yourselves.

Faça você mesmo.

- If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
- If it isn't broken, don't fix it.

Não conserte se não está quebrado.

- It wasn't that bad, was it?
- It wasn't as bad as that, was it?

- Não foi tão ruim, foi?
- Não era tão ruim, era?

- It's not what it seems.
- It isn't what it seems.

Não é o que parece.

- Think about it.
- Please think about it.
- Think about it!

Pense nisso.

- Is it good?
- Does it taste good?
- Is it tasty?

- É bom?
- Isso é bom?

- It's not worth it anymore.
- It isn't worth it anymore.

Não vale mais a pena.

- How is it going?
- How's it going?
- How's it hangin'?

Como está indo?

So it hurts to delete it but it doesn't matter,

Então dói apagar mas isso não importa,

People promote it, if they like it they'll buy it,

as pessoas promovem, se elas gostarem elas vão comprar,

Stamp it down. Fill it in.

Piso com força. Encho o buraco.

It is impossible to stop it

é impossível parar com isso

Bring it and cut it neatly

trazê-lo e cortá-lo ordenadamente

And it starts working for it

E começa a trabalhar para isso

It doesn't matter who did it

Não importa quem fez isso

- It may rain.
- It might rain.

- Pode chover.
- Pode ser que chova.
- Talvez chova.

- Cut it out!
- Cut it out.

- Pare com isso.
- Para com isso.
- Parem com isso!

It is hers, is it not?

Isto é dela, não é?

It has my name on it.

Tem meu nome nisso.

- Keep it up!
- Keep it up.

- Continue!
- Continua!

- Give it up.
- Let it go!


- You did it!
- You did it.

Você o fez!

- I love it!
- I love it.


- Don't mention it.
- Don't mention it!

Isso não merece conversa.

- Think about it.
- Think about it!

Reflita nisso!

- Don't do it!
- Don't do it.

- Não faça isso.
- Não o faça!

It was fun while it lasted.

Foi divertido enquanto durou.

- It was perfect!
- It was perfect.

- Estava perfeito.
- Era perfeito.
- Foi perfeito.

"Who bought it?" "I bought it."

Quem comprou? - Eu comprei.

It doesn't matter; it doesn't show.

Não importa, não parece.