Translation of "Wing" in Japanese

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Wing" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Of Italy’s left wing.

指揮を執った 。

Redeployment to the left wing.

カバーするために大規模な攻撃を主導した 。

The bird's wing was broken.


Armies, Ney commanded his left wing.

軍隊 を引き継ぐと 、ネイは左翼に命じました。

The wing suit and skydiving is incredibly exciting

ウイングスーツと スカイダイビングは楽しいよ

So Haley, how do we record their wing beats?

ヘイリー 蚊の羽音はどう録音するのですか?

I found a bird whose wing was severely damaged.


Davout was in his usual post on the right wing. 


Whenever a message is being passed from the eye to the wing,

眼から羽にメッセージが 伝達されると

It seems that we're becoming more right-wing all over the world.


But if Davout, not Grouchy, had commanded  the Emperor’s right wing in 1815…  

しかし、GrouchyではなくDavoutが1815年に皇帝の右翼を指揮したとし たら …

The latter stages, as Napoleon completed  the destruction of the Allied left wing.

、ナポレオンが連合国の左翼の破壊を完了したため、後の段階で 激しい戦闘が見られました

At Dresden, his charge through rain and  mud shattered the Austrian left wing  


He commanded the French right wing, but  skilfully extricated his troops from the debacle.


Holding Napoleon’s left wing, as the Emperor  inflicted a devastating defeat on the Russians.

、彼の軍団は ナポレオンの左翼を保持 する重要な役割 を 果たしました 。

When I called him right-wing, I mean that his thinking is old-fashioned.


Thousands of bees vibrate their wing muscles, generating enough heat to keep the hive warm.

‎数千匹が‎飛翔筋(ひしょうきん)‎を震わせ‎― ‎熱を起こして ‎巣を暖かく保つのだ

And the steep banks of the Mill Stream dividing its left wing from its right.

さらに 全軍は用水路で左右に分断されていた

Ney was devasted by his defeat, but Napoleon kept him in command of his northern wing.


The Battle of Marengo, where his command of the  left wing won particular praise from Napoleon.


The result of the census led the left wing to believe that their policy was wrong.


Since I don't know what questions I'll be asked, I'll have to wing it at my presentation.


Don't worry about giving a speech at the wedding; you can just wing it when you get there.
