Translation of "They'll" in Japanese

0.109 sec.

Examples of using "They'll" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

They'll remember.


They'll behave accordingly.

結果的に おとなしくなる というものです

Unreconciled, they'll remember,

この場を毎日通るときに そして私たちも

They'll kill me.


I'm sure they'll win.


And they'll do it easily.


They'll probably come by car.


They'll be here at three.


Imagine what they'll create: breakthroughs, inventions.

彼らが将来 生み出す進歩や発明を 想像してみてください

They'll be able to do it.


Get out the way ... they'll escape!


I wonder if they'll get divorced.

- 離婚するんじゃないかしら。
- あいつら、離婚するのかなあ。

Ten to one they'll miss the train.


They'll give in to us some day.


I gather that they'll agree with us.


They'll no doubt be searching for us.


They'll be glad if it rains soon.


They'll walk there in half an hour.


They'll also use things like music and meditation.


And if they are, they'll be very expensive.

もし 出来たとしても 非常に高価になります

They'll get out of class in forty minutes.


It's no use pleading because they'll never give in.


I take it for granted that they'll get married.

- 二人が結婚するのは当然だと思う。
- 私は、あの二人は当然結婚するものと思っている。

In all likelihood, they'll be away for a week.

- 多分彼らは一週間は留守にするでしょう。
- 多分彼らは1週間留守にするでしょう。

They'll probably be able to cope with the difficulties.


To even whether or not they'll support a foreign war.

さらに外国の戦争を援助するか というものまであります

-They'll sweep down that face. -[loud rumbling] You hear that?

一気に押し寄せる 聞いた?

If they don't have a car, they'll come by taxi.


- They are going shopping.
- They go shopping.
- They'll go shopping.


Who needs friends! They'll just betray you in the end.


Give someone having a tantrum what they want, and they'll stop,

かんしゃくだったら 欲しいものを与えれば 止まります

They'll be referred to the school counselor for a check-in.

スクールカウンセラーと相談するように 差し向けます

- They will get married next month.
- They'll get married next month.


They'll be more sensitive to the cold as they grow older.


Tom and Mary know they'll never be able to do that.


- I think she will divorce him.
- I wonder if they'll get divorced.


- They do anything in order to win.
- They'll do anything to win.


The photos are taken by a pro, so they'll turn out well.


And then, they'll have the courage to ask the much more important questions

そしてさらに もっと大事な質問をする 勇気も奮い起こすのです

They'll take a third of the hatchlings that make it to the sea.

‎海に入れても ‎3分の1はサメの餌になる

If you leave your textbooks at school during the break, they'll get confiscated.


And sometimes they'll hide a supply of nuts at the base of a tree.

リスは木の実を 木の根元にかくすことがある

They'll only reach a fraction of the young people that we need to reach.

手を差し伸べる必要のある若者たちの ほんの一部にしか届かないでしょう

But they'll face the same danger night after night until the sharks leave town.

‎だがサメが居座る限り ‎毎晩 危険な状態は続く

In just three months' time, they'll be ready to have babies of their own.

‎3ヵ月後には この子たちも ‎繁殖できるようになる

- They'll walk there in half an hour.
- On foot, you'll arrive within thirty minutes.


And they want to have all of the skills that they'll need for the future.

将来必要な あらゆるスキルを 身に付けたいのです

"Will they be open this early in the morning?" "They'll let me in on sight."


- They will fall in love with each other.
- They'll fall in love with each other.


- They will probably handle this well.
- They'll probably be able to cope with the difficulties.


I hear their marriage is on the rocks and they'll probably file for divorce soon.


That can be the problem with following rivers, they'll always take the path of least resistance.

川をたどると問題もある 水は抵抗のない道を選ぶ

Once things start going this way, in the end they'll all be much of a muchness.


They'll cut and carve their way through the valleys. That makes them a good thing to follow

道を切り開いて 谷を抜けるのさ たどって行けるが

If you throw something like that down, if someone's unlucky enough to be hit they'll be injured.


- You will miss the train.
- You'll miss the train.
- They will miss the train.
- They'll miss the train.

- 列車に遅れますよ。
- その列車に間に合いませんよ。
- 電車に遅れますよ。

They'll be attacked if they carelessly express an original viewpoint, so they only report on the safe options.


It's still minor league but in the not so distant future they'll be coming to a place near you.


In Tatoeba, you gotta always listen to veteran members. They'll tell you what can't be done and why. Then do it.


If the people cannot use elections to drag a dictator down from power, they'll have no choice but to obey him.


- We think it possible that they may arrive next week.
- They're very likely to arrive next week.
- I think it's very likely that they'll arrive next week.


There are mothers and fathers who will lie awake after the children fall asleep and wonder how they'll make the mortgage or pay their doctors' bills or save enough for their child's college education.


There are mothers and fathers who will lie awake after the children fall asleep and wonder how they'll make the mortgage, or pay their doctor's bills, or save enough for their child's college education.
