Translation of "That people" in Japanese

0.135 sec.

Examples of using "That people" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

That people like Faizal have.


That people with intellectual disabilities

知的障害者は 敬意を払い 受け入れるに値すると

Is that people carry portable computers.

コンピューターを持ち歩くことだと 思っています

Bucket list is something else that people do,


That people have less need for cognitive control.

認知制御の必要が 減ることも示しました

That people like Faizal have when they speak English,


What happens is that people often send the money,


Lots of people doubted that people with intellectual disabilities

知的障害を持つ人にとって 運動プログラムや

That people like me didn't make it in Hollywood.

私のような容姿の人間は ハリウッドでは成功しないと

So we know that people like to bake together,

誰かとお菓子作りをするのは みんなが好きなことであり

I take it for granted that people are honest.


It's not always the case that people send the money.


Because the most important thing that people need to do

誰もが知っておくべき 一番大事なこととは

You will spend years believing that people are rejecting you.

自分は拒絶されているなどと 何年も思い込んだままかもしれません

And these kind of things that people take for granted,

こうしたことは 当たり前だと思いがちですが

Is that people who've achieved a little more than others

他の人より少しだけ多く 達成した人が

The story, especially, that people with intellectual disabilities are good

知的障がい者は 「善」だとする物語です

And we know that people like to do challenges together,

誰かと難しいことに挑戦するのも みんなが好きなことです

That people tend to feel their way to their beliefs


There is no doubt that people prefer peace to war.


It still happens that people confuse transgender people and transvestites.


We had all kinds of guarantees that people would behave better.

人々がより良い行動を取ると思われる 様々な保証があったのです

So that people really value the delicious food on their plates.

風味豊かな食品が 食卓で評価されるようにする必要があります

That people should be wiped off the face of the Earth.


Here's the 20 teaspoons of sugar that people are eating per day,

これが私たちが毎日摂取している 小さじ20杯分の砂糖です

To overcome all the things that people said were wrong with me.

欠点だと指摘された部分を 克服しようとしました

That people begin to act as if they're part of that generation

人々が各世代の一部であるかのように ふるまい始めるのです

In fact, gorillas have many of the same feelings that people have.


If you try to prohibit something that people want or need to do,

人々がやりたいことや やる必要のあることを禁止しようとすれば

Now that people can steal passwords, illegal impersonation is becoming a serious problem.


It is strange that people in hot climate eat hot things like curry.


It seems likely that people in the city will move to the country.


And they're on the internet looking up answers to questions that people ask.

インターネットを検索して 人々の質問への答えを探します

This little box that people stand on to determine their worth and their health:

人々の価値や健康を測る この小さな箱

And yet they have an enormous impact on the way that people behave and respond.

それでも これは人々の振る舞いや反応に とても大きな影響を与えます

The thing is, in Norway, it is not that people don't speak to each other;

そう ノルウェーでは 知らない人とあまり話しません

The kinds of things that people are inflicting on rhinos right now is beyond belief.

人々は信じられないことを サイにしている

It is only recently that people have begun to realize the importance of nature conservation.


Through Google Maps, I am hoping that people all over the world will know about us.

Googleマップを通して 世界の人々に知ってもらいたいです

What is peculiar to Japan at mealtimes is that people eat rice out of little bowls.


He started to run very fast, so that people began to jump out of his way.


In many countries, the main reason that people come to big cities is because of work.


- What is it about macarons that people like so much?
- What do people who like macarons like so much about them?


No one wants to have an accident. The trouble is that people do not want hard enough to not have an accident.


Low-lying lands will flood. This means that people will be left homeless and their crops will be destroyed by the salt water.


It said that people could not play football in the future and that anyone who broke this law would be sent to prison.


- Tom was afraid of being laughed at.
- Tom was afraid that people would laugh at him.
- Tom was afraid people would laugh at him.


Chokichi keenly felt that people, as they get older, forget entirely about the worries that only young people know about and that they themselves experienced in their youth; and that they nonchalantly take this convenient disposition where they judge harshly the circumstances of the young persons born of the next generation. He felt that there was truly an irreconcilable gap between the old and the young.


"Don't you think that people from English-speaking countries earn an unreasonable amount from the English language industry? Since I'm Japanese, I'd like to use materials exclusively made by Japanese people." "But you know, you can't really tell if the English is good or not unless it's been checked by a native speaker." "What do you mean by good English!? English used by native speakers? Are natives really that great, anyway?"

「英語圏の人は英語産業で不当に儲けてると思わない? 僕は日本人なんだから、日本人だけで作った教材を使いたい」「でもさ、ネイティブチェックされてないと本当にいい英語かどうか分かんないじゃん」「いい英語って何だよ。ネイティブの使う英語がいい英語? ネイティブってそんなに偉いのかよ?」