Translation of "Ballet" in Japanese

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Examples of using "Ballet" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

To learn ballet.


To study ballet full time at the Australian Ballet School.

オーストラリアンバレエスクールで 正課でバレエを学ぶためでした

And what ballet does


And they were studying ballet.


Why was I doing ballet?


I should have continued ballet.


She invited me to the ballet.


What do I think ballet teachers do?


I'm actually travelling here to teach ballet,

私はバレエを教えるために 実際に この場所へ行きます

Ballet gave me wisdom, focus and discipline,

バレエは私に 知恵と 集中と規律を与えてくれました

I consider the Russian ballet the greatest.


I want to become a ballet dancer.

- 私はバレリーナになりたいの。
- 私はバレエダンサーになりたいんです。

But, most importantly, I think ballet teaches them

でもバレエが教えてくれる 一番大切なことは

She earns her living as a ballet dancer.


Her ambition is to be a ballet dancer.


I'm having a bash myself at the ballet.


It was by my first love, which was ballet.

初恋の相手 バレエでした

Well into the evening, continuing our classes, our ballet.

夕暮れまで バレエのレッスンを続けました

I was offered some dance teaching, in particular, ballet.

私はダンスの 特にバレエ講師の バイトがあったからです

I learned to love ballet in a different way,

私は以前と違う形で バレエを愛するようになり

I think ballet is brilliant because it teaches grit.

バレエを素晴らしいと思うのは やり抜く力を教えるからです

I use ballet as a framework for my life.

私はバレエを生活の 枠組みとして活用します

He stands alone as a conductor of ballet music.


And I learned to love ballet in a teaching way,

教える立場で バレエを愛するようになりました

Ballet for them is an escape from their daily lives.

彼らにとってのバレエは 現実生活からの脱出です

So, we've spoken about ballet being a form of meditation,


Of some ballet students in Nairobi, in the Kibera slums,

ナイロビのキベラというスラム街で バレエを習っている

To help them bring better ballet classes to these children.

子供達に いっそう上質なレッスンが できるよう お手伝いをする予定です

She went to Paris for the purpose of learning ballet.


You see, it's not that I didn't love ballet any more,


And I'm also working with other ballet teachers within their community

私は地元で活動する 他のバレエの先生たちと一緒に働き

All the way up to 70- and 80-year-olds ballet ... plus.


When they attend a ballet class and their hand touches the bar,

バレエのレッスンに出席して バーに手を触れるとき

And so if they think that ballet is of benefit to them,


I was training in New York City at the American Ballet Theater

ニューヨークの アメリカン・バレエ・シアターで

And I set up to audition for ballet companies around the world.

世界中のバレエ団の オーディションを受けました

A ballet theater is a place in which I can study motion.


I'm going to tell you today why I think ballet is so brilliant.

今日私は なぜバレエがそれほど 優れていると思うか お話しします

Is being in a ballet class with a man who has Parkinson's disease

パーキンソン病を持つ男性が バレエ教室に来たことです

When I was 17, I got a contract to the Birmingham Royal Ballet

17才の時にはイギリスの バーミンガム・ロイヤル・バレエ団と

But, I tell you, if you send your child off to a ballet class,

でも私には言えます 皆さんが お子さんをバレエ教室に通わせるなら

They were holding on to the walls because they didn't have a ballet bar,

バレエ用のバーがないので 壁に手をついて練習していること

We were doing a normal ballet class - just like an hour and a half -


I realized I was doing ballet for others, and it wasn't my passion anymore.

私は人のために踊っていたんだと それはもう私の情熱ではないと気付きました

At first I didn't like ballet, but I've come to like it by degrees.


Because I finally felt like I had the time to step away from the ballet bubble

何故ならやっとバレエの 閉じた世界から離れて

At a word from the ballet master in the white suit, the room will come alive.


I have been taking ballet lessons since I was three and hope to be a ballerina.


I am fascinated not so much by ballet itself as by the way the human body moves.


A critic once said that if you saw my ballet paintings, you didn't have to go to a live performance.
