Translation of "Pillars" in Italian

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Examples of using "Pillars" in a sentence and their italian translations:

That would include eight pillars.

basati su otto pilastri.

To sum things up, in terms of these three pillars,

Per riassumere, questi tre pilastri

That hundreds and hundreds of giant megalithic pillars still lie buried,

che centinaia e centinaia di giganti pilastri megalitici giacciono sepolti,

His legs are as pillars of marble, set upon sockets of fine gold.

Le sue gambe son colonne di marmo, fondate su basi d’oro puro.

In other words, the Rwandan model is based on three pillars: ease of investing and doing

In altre parole, il modello ruandese si basa su tre pilastri: la facilitĂ  di investire e fare