Translation of "Iberia" in Italian

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Examples of using "Iberia" in a sentence and their italian translations:

In 527, the revolt in Iberia had been crushed,

Nel 527 la rivolta in Iberia fu repressa

In Iberia, Kavad sent troops to crush the religious insurrection

In Iberia, Kavad inviò truppe a schiacciare l'insurrezione religiosa

To the north, the Byzantine Emperor meddled in the predominantly Christian Iberia,

A nord, l'imperatore bizantino si intromise nell'Iberia prevalentemente cristiana,

Their plan was to send consul Publius Cornelius Scipio to intercept Hannibal in Iberia.

Il loro piano era di inviare il console Publio Cornelio Scipione per intercettare Annibale in Iberia.

But as Hannibal's army began their journey over the Alps, trouble was brewing in Iberia.

Ma mentre l'armata di Annibale iniziava il suo viaggio attraverso le Alpi, dei guai erano in arrivo in Iberia.