Translation of "Has" in Italian

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "Has" in a sentence and their italian translations:

- He has issues.
- He has problems.
- She has issues.
- She has problems.

Ha dei problemi.

- Has it arrived?
- Has she arrived?

È arrivata?

- Someone has died.
- Somebody has died.

È morto qualcuno.

- Tom has issues.
- Tom has problems.

Tom ha dei problemi.

- Everyone has secrets.
- Everybody has secrets.

- Tutti hanno dei segreti.
- Hanno tutti dei segreti.

- He has nothing.
- She has nothing.

- Non ha niente.
- Lui non ha niente.
- Non ha nulla.
- Lui non ha nulla.
- Lei non ha nulla.
- Lei non ha niente.

- Winter has come.
- Winter has arrived.

L'inverno è arrivato.

- He has gout.
- She has gout.

Ha la gotta.

- She has issues.
- She has problems.

Ha dei problemi.

- Has anything changed?
- Has something changed?

È cambiato qualcosa?

- He has occult powers!
- She has occult powers!
- He has otherwordly powers!
- She has otherwordly powers!
- He has preternatural powers!
- She has preternatural powers!

- Ha poteri soprannaturali!
- Lei ha poteri soprannaturali!

- It has a leak.
- It has a gap.
- It has a flaw.
- It has a seepage.
- It has a chink.

Ha una falla.

- He has a bicycle.
- She has a bicycle.
- She has a bike.
- He has a bike.

Ha una bici.

- Spring has come around.
- Spring has come.

La primavera è arrivata.

This has never happened before, has it?

- Questo non è mai successo prima. vero?
- Questo non è mai capitato prima. vero?

- Tom has got it.
- Tom has it.

Tom ce l'ha.

- She has passed away.
- She has died.

- È morta.
- Lei è morta.

- He has already begun.
- She has already begun.
- He has already started.

Ha già iniziato.

- He has three children.
- He has three wires.
- He has three sons.

- Lui ha tre figli.
- Lui ha tre fili.

- Tom has poor eyesight.
- Tom has bad eyesight.
- Tom has bad eyes.

Tom ha una pessima vista.

- He has two daughters.
- She has two children.
- She has two daughters.

- Ha due figlie.
- Lei ha due figlie.

- She has one cat.
- He has a cat.
- She has a cat.

- Ha un gatto.
- Lui ha un gatto.
- Lei ha un gatto.

- Tom has gone mad.
- Tom has gone crazy.
- Tom has gone insane.

Tom è impazzito.

- Your hour has arrived!
- Your moment has arrived!
- Your time has arrived!

È arrivata la tua ora!

- Tom has some things that he has to do.
- Tom has some things he has to do.

Tom ha alcune cose che deve fare.

- He has lots of things he has to do.
- She has lots of things she has to do.

Ha molte cose che deve fare.

- He has a book.
- She has a book.
- She has got a book.

Ha un libro.

- Has he come yet?
- Has he already come?

- È già arrivato?
- È già venuto?

- He has three children.
- He has three kids.

Ha tre figli.

- Denmark has a prison.
- Denmark has one prison.

La Danimarca ha una prigione.

Whatever has a beginning also has an end.

Tutto ciò che ha un inizio ha anche una fine.

- She has long hair.
- He has long hair.

Ha i capelli lunghi.

- Tom has three children.
- Tom has three kids.

Tom ha tre figli.

- She has a bicycle.
- She has a bike.

- Ha una bici.
- Lei ha una bici.

- He has infinite resources.
- She has infinite resources.

Ha delle risorse infinite.

- She has no fear.
- He has no fear.

- Non ha paura.
- Lei non ha paura.

- Everything has a price.
- Everything has its price.

- Tutto ha un prezzo.
- Ogni cosa ha il suo prezzo.

- She has short hair.
- He has short hair.

- Ha i capelli corti.
- Lui ha i capelli corti.

- Everything has an end.
- Everything has a purpose.

Tutto ha una fine.

- He has already begun.
- He has already started.

- Ha già iniziato.
- Lui ha già iniziato.
- Ha già cominciato.
- Lui ha già cominciato.

- Mary has fake tits.
- Mary has fake boobs.

Mary ha le tette finte.

- He has blond hair.
- She has blonde hair.

- Ha i capelli biondi.
- Lei ha i capelli biondi.

- He has a dog.
- She has a dog.

Ha un cane.

- It has stopped raining.
- The rain has stopped.

La pioggia si è fermata.

- My watch has stopped.
- My clock has stopped.

Il mio orologio si è fermato.

- Has he arrived yet?
- Has he arrived already?

- È già arrivato?
- Lui è già arrivato?

- He has occult powers!
- She has occult powers!

- Ha poteri soprannaturali!
- Lei ha poteri soprannaturali!

- This restaurant has pilaf.
- This restaurant has pulao.

Questo ristorante ha il pilaf.

- Has Tom been informed?
- Has Tom been notified?

Tom è stato informato?

- Tom has a bike.
- Tom has a bicycle.

Tom ha una bici.

- She has seven sons.
- She has seven children.

Lei ha sette figli.

- He has three children.
- He has three sons.

Lui ha tre fili.

- Water has zero calories.
- Water has no calories.

L'acqua ha zero calorie.

- Has anyone seen him?
- Has anybody seen him?

Qualcuno l'ha visto?

- Has anyone seen her?
- Has anybody seen her?

Qualcuno l'ha vista?

- Has anyone seen them?
- Has anybody seen them?

- Qualcuno li ha visti?
- Qualcuno le ha viste?

- Has Tom become crazy?
- Has Tom gone insane?

Tom è impazzito?

- Tom has one kid.
- Tom has one child.

Tom ha un figlio.

- He has a ring.
- She has a ring.

- Ha un anello.
- Lui ha un anello.

- Tom has a boat.
- Tom has a rowboat.

Tom ha una barca.

- Has prison changed him?
- Has prison changed her?

- La prigione l'ha cambiata?
- Il carcere l'ha cambiata?
- La galera l'ha cambiata?

- Maria has blue eyes.
- Mary has blue eyes.

Maria ha gli occhi azzurri.

- Tom has three sons.
- Tom has three children.

Tom ha tre figli.

- He has three children.
- She has three children.

- Ha tre bambini.
- Lei ha tre bambini.

- Mary has beautiful eyes.
- Mary has pretty eyes.

Mary ha dei begli occhi.

- Mary has small breasts.
- Mary has small boobs.

Mary ha il seno piccolo.

- Has Tom already left?
- Has Tom left already?

Tom se n'è già andato?

- She has good taste.
- He has good taste.

Ha buon gusto.

- Tom has moved away.
- Tom has moved out.

Tom è andato via di casa.

- Everyone has stopped working.
- Everybody has stopped working.

Tutti hanno smesso di lavorare.

- He has his reasons.
- She has her reasons.

Ha le sue ragioni.

She has things she still has to do.

Ha delle cose che deve ancora fare.

He has never heard of me, has he?

Non ha mai sentito di me, vero?

He has some things he has to do.

Ha alcune cose che deve fare.

- Tom has Asperger's syndrome.
- Tom has Asperger syndrome.

Tom ha la sindrome di Asperger.

A dog has masters; a cat has servants.

Un cane ha padroni; un gatto ha servi.

- She has one cat.
- She has a cat.

Lei ha un gatto.

- She has small feet.
- She has tiny feet.

- Lei ha i piedi piccoli.
- Ha i piedi piccoli.

- She has eight watches.
- She has eight clocks.

Ha otto orologi.

- He has eight watches.
- He has eight clocks.

Ha otto orologi.

- Tom has a lot of things he has to do today.
- Tom has lots of things he has to do today.
- Tom has many things he has to do today.

Tom ha molte cose che deve fare oggi.

- Has anybody spoken with him?
- Has anyone talked to him?
- Has anybody talked to him?
- Has anyone spoken to him?
- Has anybody spoken to him?

Qualcuno ha parlato con lui?

- Has anybody spoken with her?
- Has anyone talked to her?
- Has anybody talked to her?
- Has anyone spoken to her?
- Has anybody spoken to her?

Qualcuno ha parlato con lei?

- Tom has a vlog.
- Tom has a video blog.
- Tom has a video log.

Tom ha un vlog.

- Has anyone talked to Tom?
- Has anybody talked to Tom?
- Has anybody spoken to Tom?
- Has anybody spoken with Tom?

Qualcuno ha parlato con Tom?

- Has anybody spoken with her?
- Has anyone talked to her?
- Has anybody talked to her?
- Has anybody spoken to her?

Qualcuno ha parlato con lei?

- Has anyone talked to them?
- Has anybody talked to them?
- Has anyone spoken to them?
- Has anybody spoken to them?

Qualcuno ha parlato con loro?

- She has never visited him.
- He has never visited him.
- He has never visited her.
- She has never visited her.

- Non lo ha mai visitato.
- Lei non lo ha mai visitato.

has significantly warmed.

intorno all'isola.

has become rare.

è diventato raro.