Translation of "Clapping" in Italian

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "Clapping" in a sentence and their italian translations:

Tom stopped clapping.

Tom smise di applaudire.

Why is everyone clapping?

- Perché stanno applaudendo tutti?
- Perché tutti stanno applaudendo?

Why are people clapping?

Perché la gente applaude?

And as pulled my chute, I could hear the clapping

E mentre tiravo il paracadute, potevo sentire gli applausi

Believe it or not, clapping your hands that way, smiling energetically,

Ci credi o non ci credi, battendo le mani così, sorridendo con energia,

Like stomping his feet on the ground, clapping and snapping his fingers,

come battere i piedi a terra, battere e schioccare le dita;