Translation of "Think" in Hungarian

0.014 sec.

Examples of using "Think" in a sentence and their hungarian translations:



- Think about it.
- Think about that.
- Think about this.

- Gondold át.
- Gondolkodj el rajta.
- Gondolkozz el rajta.
- Gondolkozz el ezen.
- Gondolkozzál el ezen.
- Ezen gondolkozz el.
- Gondoljad át.
- Gondolkodj ezen.
- Gondolj bele.

- Think about it.
- Think about it!

- Gondolja át.
- Gondold át.
- Gondolkodj el rajta.
- Gondolkozz el rajta.
- Gondolkozz el ezen.
- Gondolkozzál el ezen.
- Ezen gondolkozz el.
- Gondoljad át.
- Gondolkodj ezen.

- Let me think.
- Let me think!

Hadd gondolkodjam!

What do you think I think?

Szerinted én mit gondolok?

- Think before you speak.
- Think, then speak.
- Think first, then talk.

Először gondolkodj s aztán beszélj.

Think again.

Gondold át újra!

Think first!

Előbb gondolkodj!

Think positive.

Gondolkodj pozitívan!

Don't think.

Ne gondolkozz!

- Do you think so?
- You think so?

- Úgy gondolod?
- Úgy gondolja?

- Let me think.
- Let me think over.

Hadd gondoljam át.

- I think so, too.
- I also think so.
- I think so too.

- Én szintén úgy vélem.
- Magam is így vélem.

- I think it's true.
- I think that it's true.
- I think that's right.
- I think that's true.

- Szerintem igaz.
- Szerintez ez az igazság.
- Úgy vélem, ez igaz.

- I think so, too.
- I also think so.
- I think so too.
- That's what I think, too.
- I think so as well.
- That's exactly what I think, too.

Én is így gondolom.

- I think that's wrong.
- I think it's wrong.
- I think that it's wrong.

Szerintem ez helytelen.

- I think so, too.
- I also think so.
- I think so as well.

Azt gondolom én is.

- I think it's possible.
- I think that it's possible.
- I think that's possible.

- Azt hiszem, lehetséges.
- Szerintem lehetséges.

I think you should think about the future.

Szerintem gondolnod kéne a jövőre.

- I think he's lying.
- I think she's lying.

Szerintem hazudik.

- Think whatever you want.
- Think what you want.

Gondolj, amit akarsz!

- Think about your future.
- Think of your future.

Gondolj a jövődre.

- I think it's wonderful.
- I think that's wonderful.

Szerintem csodálatos.

- Learn to think positively!
- Learn to think positively.

Tanulj meg pozitívan gondolkodni.

- You think too much.
- You think too much!

Túl sokat jár az agyad.

- We'll think about it.
- We'll think about that.


- I think that's great!
- I think that's great.

Szerintem ez nagyszerű.

- Think before you act!
- Think before you act.

Gondolkodj, mielőtt cselekszel!

- I think I understood.
- I think I've understood.

- Azt hiszem, megértettem.
- Azt hiszem, felfogtam.

- I think it's dangerous.
- I think that's dangerous.

- Szerintem veszélyes.
- Szerintem ez veszélyes.

- I think he is right.
- I think that he is right.
- I think he's right.
- I think he's correct.

Szerintem igaza van.

- I think you will approve.
- I think you'll approve.
- I think that you'll approve.

Szerintem jóvá fogod hagyni.

- I think he is right.
- I think he's right.
- I think that he's right.

Gondolom, igaza van.

- I think you are mistaken.
- I think you're mistaken.
- I think that you're mistaken.

Szerintem tévedsz.

- I think he is right.
- I think that he is right.
- I think he's right.
- I think that he's right.

- Szerintem igaza van.
- Gondolom, igaza van.

- I think, therefore I am.
- I think, therefore I follow.
- I think therefore I am.
- I think, therefore I exist.

Gondolkodom, tehát létezem.

Think about that.

Gondoljanak bele.

And I think

Azt hiszem,

But think twice.

De gondoljuk csak át még egyszer!

I think otherwise.

- Én másként gondolom.
- Én más véleményen vagyok.
- Nekem erről más a véleményem.
- Én máshogy gondolom ezt.
- Én másképp vélekedem.
- Én máshogy gondolom.

Think about it.

Gondolkodj el ezen.

I think so.

Azt hiszem, igen.

We think alike.

- Hasonlóan gondolkodunk.
- Ugyanúgy gondolkodunk.

We think so.

Úgy gondoljuk.

Think happy thoughts.

Gondolj vidám dolgokra!

Think about tomorrow.

Gondolj a holnapra!

Think for yourself.

Gondolj magadra!

Think before acting!

- Gondolkodj, mielőtt cselekszel!
- Gondolkodj, mielőtt teszel valamit!

Think about her.

Gondolj rá.

Think for yourselves.

Gondoljatok magatokra!

Let me think.

Hagyjatok gondolkozni!

Let me think!

- Hadd gondoljam át!
- Hadd gondolkodjak rajta.

- I think that you're wrong.
- I think you're wrong.

Azt hiszem, tévedsz.

- I think you're right.
- I think that you're right.

Azt hiszem, igazad van.

- I don't think so.
- I do not think so.

- Én nem gondolom így.
- Én nem így gondolom.
- Nem hinném.
- Nem hiszem.
- Szerintem nem.
- Úgy gondolom, nem.

- I think it's true.
- I think that it's true.

Szerintem igaz.

I think you need to think about the future.

Gondolnod kell a jövőre.

- I think you are mistaken.
- I think you're mistaken.

Szerintem tévedsz.

- I also think so.
- I think so as well.

Én is így gondolom.

- I think I understand.
- I think that I understand.

- Azt hiszem, értem.
- Asszem, értem.

- I think Tom left.
- I think that Tom left.

- Azt hiszem, elment Tomi.
- Úgy hiszem, elment Tomi.
- Szerintem elment Tomi.

- I think it works.
- I think that it works.

- Szerintem jó lesz.
- Szerintem beválik.

Do you think it's worthwhile? I don't think so.

Azt gondolod, hogy ez illik? Én nem hiszem.

- I think it's OK.
- I think that it's OK.

Szerintem elmegy.

- I think I'm right.
- I think that I'm right.

- Azt hiszem, hogy igazam van.
- Azt gondolom, hogy igazam van.
- Azt hiszem, igazam van.

- I think Tom died.
- I think that Tom died.

- Szerintem Tom halott.
- Azt hiszem, meghalt Tom.

- I think something's wrong.
- I think something is wrong.

- Véleményem szerint valami nem oké.
- Szerintem valami nincs rendben.

- I think it's over.
- I think that it's over.

Szerintem vége.

- I think Tom is here.
- I think Tom's here.

Azt hiszem, Tom van itt.

- I think you are crazy.
- I think you're crazy.

Szerintem őrült vagy.

- I think Tom knew.
- I think that Tom knew.

Azt hiszem, Tom tudta.

- I think Tom knows.
- I think that Tom knows.

- Azt hiszem, Tom tudja.
- Úgy vélem, tudja Tom.

- I think we're next.
- I think that we're next.

Azt hiszem, mi jövünk.

- I think I'll cry.
- I think that I'll cry.

Azt hiszem, sírni fogok.

- I think it'll rain.
- I think that it'll rain.

Szerintem esni fog.

- I think, therefore I am.
- I think therefore I am.
- I think, therefore I exist.

Gondolkodom, tehát vagyok.

- I think he is right.
- I think that he is right.
- I think he's right.

- Szerintem igaza van.
- Gondolom, igaza van.

- I think Tom is here.
- I think Tom's here.
- I think that Tom is here.

Azt hiszem, Tom van itt.

- I don't think it's true.
- I don't think that's true.
- I don't think that that's true.
- I don't think that it's true.

- Szerintem nem igaz.
- Nem hiszem, hogy igaz.

- I think he will succeed.
- I think that he will succeed.
- I think she will succeed.

Szerintem meg fogja tudni csinálni.

- I think I understand.
- I think I understood.
- I think I've understood.
- I believe I understand.

Azt hiszem, értem.

- I think that you're right.
- I think that you are correct.
- I think that you're correct.

Azt hiszem, hogy neked igazad van.

- I think everybody trusts me.
- I think everyone trusts me.
- I think that everybody trusts me.

Szerintem mindenki megbízik bennem.

SR: I don't think I think of story that way.

SR: Nem így tekintek a történetmesélésre.

- I think, therefore I am.
- I think therefore I am.

Gondolkodom, tehát vagyok.

- It's not what you think!
- It's not what you think.

- Ez nem az, amit gondolsz!
- Ez nem az, amit ön gondol!
- Nem az, amire gondolsz!

- I don't really think so.
- I really don't think so.

- Nem igazán hiszem ezt.
- Tényleg nem hiszem.

- I think so.
- I do think so.
- I guess so.

Úgy gondolom.