Translation of "Acquainted" in Hungarian

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Examples of using "Acquainted" in a sentence and their hungarian translations:

I'm acquainted with Tom.

Tom ismerőse vagyok.

I'm not acquainted with Tom.

Nem ismerem Tomot.

I'm well acquainted with Tom.

Jól ismerem Tomot.

- We are not acquainted with each other.
- We're not acquainted with each other.

Nem vagyunk ismerősei egymásnak.

- I believe Tom is acquainted with Mary.
- I think Tom is acquainted with Mary.
- I think that Tom is acquainted with Mary.

Úgy vélem, Tom Méri ismerőse.

He is acquainted with my wife.

- Ő a feleségem ismerőse.
- Ő a feleségem egy ismerőse.
- A feleségem ismerőse.

He is acquainted with the mayor.

Ismeri a polgármestert.

We are acquainted with his family.

Ismerjük a családját.

Both were eager to become acquainted.

Mindketten vágytak a találkozásra.

She acquainted her daughter with classical music.

Megismertette a lányát a klasszikus zenével.

I am well acquainted with the subject.

Jól ismerem a témát.

I got acquainted with her in France.

Franciaországban ismertem meg.

Have you acquainted your parents with your plans?

Ismertetted a szüleiddel a terveidet?

I got acquainted with him three years ago.

Három évvel ezelőtt ismertem meg.

He is well acquainted with the history of England.

Jól ismert Anglia történelméből.

So I am well acquainted with this type of fuel.

Így ismerős számomra ez a hajtóerő.

- I am well acquainted with him.
- I know him well.

Jól ismerem őt.

- He is acquainted with my wife.
- He is my wife's acquaintance.

Ő a feleségem ismerőse.

I have been acquainted with her for more than 20 years.

Ismerem, több mint húsz éve.

- He is acquainted with my wife.
- He knows my wife.
- She knows my wife.

- Ismeri a feleségemet.
- Ő ismeri a feleségemet.

Tom got acquainted with Mary on Tatoeba last year and now they live together.

Tom tavaly a Tatoebán megismerkedett Maryvel és most együtt élnek.

- How did you and Tom become acquainted?
- How did you and Tom first meet?

Hogyan találkoztatok először Tomival?

- I first met him three years ago.
- I got acquainted with him three years ago.

Három évvel ezelőtt ismertem meg.

- How did you get acquainted with her?
- How did you meet her?
- How did you meet him?

Hogyan ismerkedtél meg vele?

- How did you come to know her?
- How did you get to know her?
- How did you get acquainted with her?
- How did you meet her?
- How did you first meet her?

- Hogy ismerted meg?
- Hogy ismerkedtél meg vele?