Translation of "Toilets" in German

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Toilets" in a sentence and their german translations:

Toilets, kitchen, seats.

Toiletten, Küche, Sitze.

Where are the toilets?

Wo sind die Toiletten?

Where are the toilets, please?

Wo sind die Toiletten, bitte?

The toilets are behind the stairs.

Die Toilette befindet sich hinter der Treppe.

How many toilets does your building have?

Wie viele Toiletten hast du in deinen Räumlichkeiten?

Right, cell phones with toilets for old men.

Genau, Handys mit Toiletten für alte Männer.

Early in the morning, when the station toilets were opened,

Früh morgens, als die Bahnhofstoiletten öffneten,

- The toilet is behind the staircase.
- The toilets are behind the stairs.

Die Toilette befindet sich hinter der Treppe.

- Where is the bathroom?
- Where's the restroom?
- Where is the toilet?
- Where's the toilet?
- Where's the bathroom?
- Where are the restrooms?
- Where are the toilets?
- Where is the restroom?
- Where's the loo?

- Wo ist die Toilette?
- Wo sind die Toiletten?
- Wo ist das Klo?
- Wo ist der Lokus?

- Where is the bathroom?
- Where is the toilet?
- Where's the toilet?
- Where's the bathroom?
- Where are the toilets?
- Where is the restroom?
- Where's the loo?
- Where is a toilet?
- Where's the ladies' room?

- Wo ist die Toilette?
- Wo sind die Toiletten?
- Wo ist das WC?