Translation of "Tina" in German

0.002 sec.

Examples of using "Tina" in a sentence and their german translations:

Tina soon got used to Japanese food.

Tina gewöhnte sich bald an japanisches Essen.

Margaret Thatcher said "TINA," There Is No Alternative.

Margaret Thatcher sagte: "TINA" [EGKA]. Es gibt keine Alternative.

- Bob gave Tina almost all the stamps he had collected, and kept only a few for himself.
- Bob has given Tina almost his entire stamp collection, keeping only a few for himself.
- Bob gave Tina almost his entire stamp collection, keeping only a few for himself.

- Bob gab Tina fast alle Briefmarken, die er gesammelt hatte, und behielt nur wenige für sich.
- Bob hat Tina praktisch seine gesamte Briefmarkensammlung gegeben und nur einige wenige behalten.

Bob gave Tina almost all the stamps he had collected, and kept only a few for himself.

Bob gab Tina fast alle Briefmarken, die er gesammelt hatte, und behielt nur wenige für sich.