Translation of "Buts" in German

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Examples of using "Buts" in a sentence and their german translations:

Eat what you are served, no buts about it.

Iss, was man dir serviert hat, keine Widerrede.

I do not want to hear any "ifs" or "buts" right now.

Ich will jetzt weder „wenn“ noch „aber" hören.

- "Virginia, a wife shouldn't keep secrets from her husband." "Oh? But you are keeping secrets from me, are you not? Or did you think I didn't know about you and Mary?" "But Virginia!" "No buts! Leave my house this instant and pester Mary with your male chauvinism, you cad!"
- "Virginia, a wife shouldn't keep secrets from her husband." "Really? But you're keeping secrets from me, aren't you! Or did you think I didn't know about you and Mary?" "But Virginia!" "No buts! Get out of my house now and pester Mary with your male chauvinism, you git!"

„Virginia, eine Frau sollte vor ihrem Manne kein Geheimnis haben.“ – „So? Du hast doch auch Geheimnisse vor mir! Oder glaubst du, ich wüsste nicht von dir und Maria?“ – „Aber Virginia!“ – „Kein Aber! Verlass sofort mein Haus und plage Maria mit deinem männlichen Chauvinismus, du Schuft!“

"Virginia, a wife shouldn't keep secrets from her husband." "Oh? But you are keeping secrets from me, are you not? Or did you think I didn't know about you and Mary?" "But Virginia!" "No buts! Leave my house this instant and pester Mary with your male chauvinism, you cad!"

„Virginia, eine Frau sollte vor ihrem Manne kein Geheimnis haben.“ – „So? Du hast doch auch Geheimnisse vor mir! Oder glaubst du, ich wüsste nicht von dir und Maria?“ – „Aber Virginia!“ – „Kein Aber! Verlass sofort mein Haus und plage Maria mit deinem männlichen Chauvinismus, du Schuft!“