Translation of "​​had" in German

0.176 sec.

Examples of using "​​had" in a sentence and their german translations:

Tom had had enough.

Tom hatte genug.

Had an atmosphere, had water

hatte eine Atmosphäre, hatte Wasser

They had had to use what money they had.

Sie mussten alles Geld ausgeben, das sie dabeihatten.

- I have had it.
- I've had enough.
- I've had it.

Ich bin bedient.

- He had breakfast.
- She had breakfast.

Sie hat gefrühstückt.

They had had that problem before.

Sie hatten dieses Problem früher schon einmal.

- She had surgery.
- He had surgery.

Er ist operiert worden.

They had started earlier than we had.

Sie hatten früher begonnen als wir.

Tom had never had that problem before.

Tom hatte dieses Problem noch nie zuvor gehabt.

- You had nightmares.
- You had nightmarish dreams.

Du hattest Albträume.

- I had fun.
- I had some fun.

Ich hatte Spaß.

- They had dizzy spells.
- They had vertigo.

Sie hatten Schwindelanfälle.

- Mary had a good time.
- Mary had some fun.
- Mary had fun.

Maria hatte Spaß.

Germany had had a strong currency for decades.

Deutschland hatte jahrzehntelang eine starke Währung.

- Have you had dinner?
- Have you had tea?

Habt ihr schon zu Abend gegessen?

- He had no objection.
- She had no objection.

- Sie hatte nichts dagegen einzuwenden.
- Sie hatte keine Einwände.
- Sie hatte nichts einzuwenden.

- He had Parkinson's disease.
- She had Parkinson's disease.

Sie hatte Parkinson.

- He had grey hair.
- He had gray hair.

Er hatte graues Haar.

- She had a radio.
- He had a radio.

Sie hatte ein Radio.

- He had no money.
- She had no money.

Sie hatte kein Geld.

- I had an accident.
- I had a mishap.

Ich hatte einen Unfall.

- Tom had one child.
- Tom had a son.

- Tom hat einen Sohn bekommen.
- Tom hatte einen Sohn.

- Tom had a weapon.
- Tom had a gun.

Tom hatte eine Waffe.

- I had to go.
- I had to leave.

Ich musste gehen.

Tom had told the sailors what had happened.

Tom berichtete den Seeleuten, was geschehen war.

Interestingly, I had had the same thought earlier.

Früher hab’ ich merkwürdigerweise den gleichen Gedanken gehabt.

- She had guessed right.
- She had guessed correctly.

Sie hatte richtig geraten.

- I had a similar experience.
- I've had a similar experience.
- I've had similar experiences.

Ich habe Ähnliches erlebt.

If I had...

Wenn ich...

Had multiplied again

hatte sich wieder vervielfacht

Had already said

hatte schon gesagt

Work had begun

Die Arbeit hatte begonnen

They'd had enough.

Sie hätten genug davon.

Had no successor.

hatte auch keine Nachfolge mehr.

I've had enough!

- Ich hab die Faxen dicke.
- Mir reicht’s!
- Ich hatte genug.

You've been had.

Ihr seid reingelegt worden.

It had snowed.

Es hatte geschneit.

He had ambition.

- Er war ehrgeizig.
- Er war strebsam.

Tom had appendicitis.

Tom hatte eine Blinddarmentzündung.

They had nausea.

Ihnen war schlecht.

You had nightmares.

Du hattest Albträume.

They had weapons.

Sie waren bewaffnet.

Nothing had moved.

Nichts hatte sich bewegt.

Tom had cancer.

Tom hatte Krebs.

Everyone had fun.

Alle amüsierten sich.

He had breakfast.

Er hat gefrühstückt.

Tom had breakfast.

- Tom hat gefrühstückt.
- Tom frühstückte.

Mary had breakfast.

Maria hat gefrühstückt.

Tom had fun.

Tom hatte Spaß.

We had breakfast.

- Wir aßen Frühstück.
- Wir haben Frühstück gegessen.

We had fun.

Wir hatten unseren Spaß.

We had lunch.

- Wir aßen zu Mittag.
- Wir haben Mittag gegessen.

I had doubts.

Ich hatte Zweifel.

I had help.

Ich hatte Hilfe.

Tom had nothing.

Tom hatte nichts.

I had V.D.

Ich hatte eine Geschlechtskrankheit.

Tom had questions.

Tom hatte Fragen.

Tom had ambition.

Tom hatte Ehrgeiz.

Tom had company.

Tom hatte Gesellschaft.

We had doubts.

Wir hatten Zweifel.

She had surgery.

Sie ist operiert worden.

He had surgery.

Er ist operiert worden.

Sami had explosives.

Samuel besaß Sprengstoffe.

Tom had worked.

Tom hatte gearbeitet.

Sami had claustrophobia.

- Sami hatte Klaustrophobie.
- Sami hatte Platzangst.

Mary had fun.

Maria hatte Spaß.

He had fun.

Er hatte Spaß.

He had nothing.

Er hatte nichts.

She had nothing.

Sie hatte nichts.

Nobody had come.

Es war niemand gekommen.

I've had many.

Ich hatte viele.

- They had no food.
- They had nothing to eat.

Sie hatten nichts zu essen.

- I've had coffee already.
- I've already had a coffee.

Ich hatte schon einen Kaffee.

- Tom had nothing to eat.
- Tom had no food.

Tom hatte nichts zu essen.

- I just had an accident.
- I had an accident.

Ich hatte einen Unfall.

Bob had had many dangerous adventures during the war.

Während des Krieges erlebte Bob viele gefährliche Abenteuer.

- We had an early lunch.
- We had lunch early.

Wir aßen früh zu Mittag.

- He had a stomachache.
- He had a stomach ache.

Er hatte Bauchweh.

- No one had an answer.
- Nobody had an answer.

- Niemand hatte eine Antwort.
- Eine Antwort hatte niemand.

Tom had almost forgotten all about what had happened.

- Tom hatte die Geschehnisse schon fast ganz vergessen.
- Tom hatte schon fast ganz vergessen, was geschehen war.

- I had an inspiration.
- I have had an inspiration.

Ich hatte eine Inspiration.

- Have you had breakfast?
- Have you already had breakfast?

Hast du schon gefrühstückt?

If he had had time, he would have gone.

Wenn er Zeit gehabt hätte, wäre er gegangen.