Translation of "Succeeding…" in French

0.017 sec.

Examples of using "Succeeding…" in a sentence and their french translations:

- Does he have any chance of succeeding?
- Has he got a chance of succeeding?
- Has he got any chance of succeeding?
- Does he have a chance of succeeding?

A-t-il une chance de réussir ?

Mr Smith was announced as the succeeding chairman.

M. Smith a été annoncé comme le nouveau président.

He is sure of succeeding in his undertaking.

Il est sûr de réussir dans son entreprise.

There was a strong likelihood of his succeeding.

Il y avait une forte probabilité de son succès.

I'm afraid of not succeeding with this deal.

J'ai peur de ne pas réussir cette négociation.

And I'm kind of annoyed because I'm used to succeeding in sport.

et je suis contrarié, ca j'ai l'habitude du succès en sport.