Translation of "Shamed" in French

0.002 sec.

Examples of using "Shamed" in a sentence and their french translations:

You shamed me at the station.

Tu m'as fait honte à la station.

But when they ask questions, they're shushed and shamed.

Mais quand ils posent des questions, on les fait taire et on les humilie.

I didn't get shamed, but I didn't get to keep my position either.

Je n'ai pas été ridiculisé, mais je n'ai pas non plus gardé mon poste.

Sami didn't want to be shamed in the village by his cheating wife.

Sami ne voulait pas être humilié au village par sa femme infidèle.

- Shame be to him who thinks evil of it.
- Shamed be he who thinks ill of it.
- Evil unto him who thinks evil of it.
- Shame on those who think ill of it.

- Honni soit qui mal y pense.
- Honi soit qui mal y pense.