Translation of "Reins" in French

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Examples of using "Reins" in a sentence and their french translations:

The reins to the next generation.

les rênes à la génération suivante.

- Gilded reins do not make for a better horse.
- Golden reins do not make a better horse.

Des rênes dorées ne font pas un meilleur cheval.

Golden reins do not make a better horse.

Des rênes dorées ne font pas un meilleur cheval.

Gilded reins do not make for a better horse.

Des rênes dorées ne font pas un meilleur cheval.

Because they speak to the instinctive, emotional, and logical reins.

ils marchent car ils parlent aux cerveaux instinctif, émotionnel et logique.

But Tina Diesy has the reins firmly in her hand and makes sure

Mais ici, Tina Diesy a les rênes fermement dans sa main et s'assure

Before the horse race begins, the jockeys grip the reins tightly to restrain the impatient horses.

Avant le départ de la course de chevaux, les jockeys tiennent fermement les rênes pour maîtriser les chevaux qui s'impatientent.

- But in fear of this, the almighty father hid them in black caves, and placed a mound and high mountains over them, and he gave them a king who, under a binding agreement, would know both to suppress them and to give them loose reins, when ordered.
- But, fearing this, the Sire omnipotent / hath buried them in caverns dark and deep, / and o'er them piled huge mountains in a heap, / and set withal a monarch, there to reign, / by compact taught at his command to keep / strict watch, and tighten or relax the rein.

Aussi, pour réprimer leur fougue vagabonde, / Jupiter leur creusa cette prison profonde, / entassa des rochers sur cet affreux séjour, / et leur donna pour maître un roi qui, tour à tour / irritant par son ordre ou calmant leurs haleines, / sût tantôt resserrer, tantôt lâcher les rênes.