Translation of "Tallest" in Dutch

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "Tallest" in a sentence and their dutch translations:

- You are tallest.
- You're tallest.
- You're the tallest.

Jij bent de grootste.

- You are tallest.
- You're the tallest one.
- You're the tallest.

Jij bent de grootste.

- You are tallest.
- You are the tallest one.

Jij bent de grootste.

- You are the tallest one.
- You're the tallest one.

Jij bent de grootste.

- He is the tallest boy.
- He is the tallest child.

Hij is de grootste jongen.

- I am the tallest in our class.
- I'm the tallest one in the class.
- I'm the tallest in our class.

- Ik ben de langste van de klas.
- Ik ben de langste in onze klas.

He is the tallest boy.

Hij is de grootste jongen.

- I am the tallest in our class.
- I'm the tallest in our class.

Ik ben de langste in onze klas.

- What is the tallest mountain in Europe?
- What's the tallest mountain in Europe?

Wat is de hoogste berg van Europa?

- He is the tallest person in the class.
- He's the tallest in the class.
- He's the tallest one in the class.

- Hij is de grootste in de klas.
- Hij is de grootste van de klas.

- I am the tallest in our class.
- I'm the tallest one in the class.

Ik ben de langste van de klas.

- He is the tallest person in the class.
- He's the tallest in the class.

Hij is de grootste in de klas.

He's the tallest in the class.

Hij is de grootste in de klas.

Europe's tallest volcano is called Etna.

De hoogste vulkaan van Europa heet Etna.

- Tom is the tallest person I know.
- Tom is the tallest person that I know.

Tom is de langste persoon die ik ken.

- He is the tallest person in the class.
- He's the tallest one in the class.

Hij is de grootste in de klas.

He is the tallest of the three.

Hij is de grootste van de drie.

I'm the tallest one in the class.

Ik ben de langste van de klas.

What is the tallest mountain in Europe?

Wat is de hoogste berg van Europa?

He is the tallest in his class.

Hij is de langste in zijn klas.

He's the tallest one in the class.

Hij is de grootste in de klas.

I am the tallest of the three.

Ik ben de grootste van ons drie.

He is the tallest of all boys.

Hij is de grootste van alle jongens.

The Dutch are the world's tallest people.

- Nederlanders zijn de langste mensen op aarde.
- Nederlanders zijn het langste volk op aarde.

He is the tallest in his family.

Hij is de langste in zijn familie.

My father is the tallest of us all.

Mijn vader is de langste van ons allemaal.

Elena is the tallest girl in the class.

Elena is het grootste meisje van de klas.

He is the tallest person in the class.

Hij is de grootste in de klas.

- Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.
- Currently Burj Khalifa is the tallest skyscraper in the world.

Burj Khalifa is momenteel de hoogste wolkenkrabber ter wereld.

The Mont Blanc is the tallest mountain in Europe.

De Mont Blanc is de hoogste berg van Europa.

This tree is the tallest and oldest in this forest.

Deze boom is de grootste en de oudste in dit bos.

- What is the highest mountain in North America?
- What is the tallest mountain in North America?

Wat is de hoogste berg van Noord-Amerika?

Mars has some of the tallest volcanoes and some of the deepest valleys in our solar system.

Mars heeft enkele van de hoogste vulkanen en diepste valleien in ons zonnestelsel.