Translation of "Apart" in English

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Apart" in a sentence and their english translations:

Samen of apart?

Together or separately?

Ze betaalden apart.

- They each paid separately.
- They paid separately.

Madrilenen zijn apart volk.

People from Madrid are weird.

Batterijen worden apart verkocht.

Batteries are sold separately.

- Samen of apart?
- Samen of afzonderlijk?

Together or separately?

- Je bent raar.
- U bent raar.
- Jullie zijn raar.
- Je bent vreemd.
- U bent vreemd.
- Jullie zijn vreemd.
- Je bent apart.
- Jij bent apart.
- Jullie zijn apart.

- You're weird.
- You are weird.

Door ze apart in geschikte mediums te kweken."

by growing them separately in suitable mediums."

Rood is fundamenteel meer apart dan de ander kleuren.

Red is fundamentally more distinct than the other colors.

Dat is goed, we kunnen vanavond allemaal apart betalen.

That's OK, we can go Dutch tonight.

Hou een stukje gebak voor me apart, ik moet weg.

Put a piece of cake aside for me. I have to go.

Ik denk niet dat we daar een apart woord voor hebben.

- I don't think we have a particular word for it.
- I don't think we have a particular word for that.
- I don't think we've got a particular word for it.
- I don't think we've got a particular word for that.