Translation of "مهتمون" in English

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "مهتمون" in a sentence and their english translations:

نحن مهتمون جدا.

- We are very interested.
- We're very interested.

الذين تبيّن أنهم مهتمون بشرفهم وسمعتهم

who seemed to care more about their honor and their reputation

نحن أيضًا مهتمون جدًا بمن أزال الفيروس

We are also very interested in who removed the virus

كان هناك محتالون و زبالون و أشخاص مهتمون بهذا الفيلم.

there were tricksters, scavengers, and interest people in this movie.