Translation of "Patlamadan" in English

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Patlamadan" in a sentence and their english translations:

Patlamadan irkildi.

- He was alarmed by the explosion.
- He was startled by the explosion.

Patlamadan dolayı ürktük.

We were startled by the explosion.

Büyük patlamadan hemen sonrası.

just a fraction of a second after the big bang.

İşçi patlamadan dolayı öldü.

The workman died from the explosion.

Patlamadan kıl payı kurtulduk.

We had a narrow escape from the explosion.

Ve patlamadan çıkan sesin İstanbul'dan

and your voice from the explosion came from Istanbul

Volkanik patlamadan sonra, bu tür geriledi.

After the volcanic eruption, this species declined.

Tom, o patlamadan önce arabasından çıkabildi.

Tom was able to get out of his car before it exploded.

O, patlamadan on dakika sonra geri geldi.

She came back ten minutes after the explosion.

Onlar patlamadan sonra birkaç cesedi dışarıya taşıdı.

They carried out several bodies after the explosion.

Bu patlamadan öyle büyük bir ses çıktı ki

There was such a big noise from this explosion

Büyük patlamadan yaklaşık 400 bin yıl sonrasına gidelim.

about 400,000 years after the big bang.

Bomba, patlamadan birkaç dakika önce etkisiz hale getirildi.

- The bomb was defused just minutes before it would have exploded.
- The bomb was defused just minutes before it would've exploded.

Boru hattında çıkan patlamadan dolayı bütün alan sular altında kaldı.

The whole area was flooded when the main burst.

Patlamadan hemen önce, şüpheli bir biçimde davranan bir adam görüldü.

A man was seen acting suspiciously shortly before the explosion.

- İstanbul'da meydana gelen patlamayı kesin duymuşsundur.
- İstanbul'da meydana gelen patlamadan kesin haberin vardır.

I am sure you heard about the explosion that happened in Istanbul.