Translation of "Sara" in English

0.005 sec.

Examples of using "Sara" in a sentence and their english translations:

Sara no recuerda

Sara doesn't remember

Me llamo Sara.

- I am called Sara.
- My name is Sara.

Pero Sara no recuerda

But Sara doesn't remember

Porque hay niños como Sara.

Because then you have children like Sara.

Tenía que ayudar a Sara.

I had to help Sara.

Compartiré esta grabación con Sara

I'll share this recording with Sarah

Sara ya volvió a la escuela.

Sara's in school.

Sara tiene treinta y una plumas.

Sara has 31 pens.

Sara me cuenta sobre su familia feliz.

Sara tells me about her happy family.

¿Qué pasa si algo malo le sucede Sara?

What if something bad was happening with Sarah?

Ninguno tiene la capacidad de hablar con Sara

None of them have the capacity to talk to Sara

Cuando comencé a trabajar con Sara, fue muy difícil.

When I started working with Sara, it was very difficult.

La pluma que Sara me dio no es azul.

The pen Sarah gave me is not blue.

La pluma que le di a Sara era roja.

The pen I gave Sarah was red.

Pero, Sara actualmente está siendo criada por su abuelo discapacitado

But, Sarah is currently being raised by her paralized grandfather

Cuando se miraba en el espejo, Sara no se reconocía.

Sara didn't recognize herself when she saw herself in the mirror.

Hay una canción que a Sara y a mí nos gusta.

There is this one song that Sara and I really like.

La pluma que has cogido de la mesa es de Sara.

The pen you got from the table is Sarah's.

A lo lejos se oía el tintineo de una campanilla suavemente movida por el viento. Sara lo oyó y sonrió, quizá era la señal que estaba esperando.

In the distance, the ringing of a bell could be heard, carried softly by the wind. Sarah heard it and smiled. Maybe it was the signal she'd been waiting for.

Los restos mortales de la actriz española Sara Montiel descansan ya en el Cementerio de San Justo de Madrid junto a su madre y su hermana tras un emotivo funeral en el que familiares, amigos y admiradores le han dado el último adiós a la actriz.

Spanish actress Sara Montiel's mortal remains now rest in Madrid's San Justo Graveyard beside her mother and sister, after a touching funeral in which relatives, friends and admirers gave her a last farewell.