Translation of "Retrasó" in English

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Retrasó" in a sentence and their english translations:

Su vuelo se retrasó

Your flight is delayed

¿El tren se retrasó?

Has the train been delayed?

El accidente retrasó el tráfico.

The accident held up traffic.

El tren se retrasó una hora.

The train was delayed for an hour.

Una espesa niebla retrasó nuestro vuelo.

A thick fog delayed our flight.

Tom se retrasó por un atasco.

Tom was held up in a traffic jam.

La lluvia retrasó nuestros planes dos semanas.

The rain set our plans back two weeks.

La fundición de la estatua se retrasó.

The casting of the statue was delayed.

- El avión se retrasó a causa del mal clima.
- El avión se retrasó por causa del mal tiempo.

Due to bad weather, the plane was late.

Se retrasó el partido debido a la nieve.

The game was delayed on account of snow.

El tren se retrasó debido a una fuerte nevada.

The train was delayed on account of a heavy snow.

El avión se retrasó a causa del mal clima.

Due to bad weather, the plane was late.

La fuerte nevada retrasó al tren durante varias horas.

Heavy snow delayed the train for several hours.

El avión se retrasó por causa del mal tiempo.

Due to bad weather, the plane was late.

Debido al mal tiempo, el avión se retrasó diez minutos.

Due to the bad weather, the plane was ten minutes late.

El avión se retrasó dos horas debido al mal tiempo.

The plane was delayed for two hours on account of the bad weather.

El avión se retrasó tres horas por el mal tiempo.

The plane was three hours late due to bad weather.

El tren se retrasó, así que no pude llegar a tiempo.

The train was delayed, so I could not arrive there on time.

El tren se retrasó 30 minutos a causa de la nieve.

The train was thirty minutes late on account of the heavy snow.

El tren se retrasó por una hora debido a la tormenta.

The train was delayed for one hour on account of the typhoon.

Se retrasó para la cita debido a un accidente de tráfico.

He was late to the appointment due to a traffic accident.

El clima era malo, por lo que el avión se retrasó.

The weather was bad so the plane was delayed.

A causa de la gran nevada el tren se retrasó diez minutos.

The train was ten minutes behind time because of heavy snow.

Debido al mal tiempo, la salida del avión se retrasó dos horas.

Because of the bad weather, the plane's departure was delayed by two hours.

La entrega de los bienes se retrasó a causa de la tormenta.

The delivery of the goods was delayed due to the storm.

La razón por la que se retrasó consistió en haber perdido el autobús.

The reason for him being late was that he had missed the bus.

- A causa del mal tiempo, el avión llegó con tres horas de retraso.
- El avión se retrasó tres horas por el mal tiempo.

Due to bad weather, the plane arrived three hours late.