Translation of "Opositores" in English

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Opositores" in a sentence and their english translations:

Para detener, secuestrar, torturar y desaparecer opositores políticos.

to imprison, kidnap, torture and disappear political opponents.

Los opositores son solo un grupo de políticos anticuados.

The opposition is just a bunch of antiquated politicians.

opositores son políticos de carrera o empresarios y no tienen ningún relación

opponents are career politicians or businessmen and they have no relationship

De hecho, había opositores anti-vacunación en las filas de la dirección nazi.

There were indeed anti-vaccination opponents in the ranks of the Nazi leadership.

Ese es el contexto en el que los opositores a la vacunación '33

That is the background against which the vaccination opponents '33

Los opositores dicen que las cosechas genéticamente modificadas pueden polinizar y dañar otras cosechas.

Opponents say genetically engineered crops can cross-pollinate and damage other crops.

Pero lo cierto es que, desde 2015 hay decenas de opositores políticos en las cárceles

But the fact is that since 2015 there are dozens of political opponents in prisons