Translation of "OÌdo" in English

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Examples of using "OÌdo" in a sentence and their english translations:

Las costas de Yibuti °Y no os cre·is que es un mar tranquilo! øHabÈis oÌdo hablar

Djibouti coastlines. And don't you think is a calm sea! Have you ever heard

Es posible que no hayamos oÌdo hablar antes de este paÌs øVerdad? La respuesta es que

is it possible that we didn't hear about this country before, isn't it? The answer is that

SÌ, sÌ, habÈis oÌdo bienÖ 50%. Y a dÌa de hoy, el puerto de Yibuti y las bases militares

Yes, you have heard it right, 50%! And today, Djibouti's port and the militar bases