Translation of "Hubiéramos" in English

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "Hubiéramos" in a sentence and their english translations:

Hubiéramos dicho eso.

we would have said so.

Jamás lo hubiéramos esperado.

We would never have expected that.

Mejor hubiéramos utilizado nuestros recursos naturales.

We had better utilize our natural resources.

Probablemente no hubiéramos ido a la Luna.

we probably wouldn't have started.

Él actuó como si le hubiéramos insultado.

He acted as though we had insulted him.

Si hubiéramos cogido ese avión, ahora estaríamos muertas.

- Had I taken that plane, I would be dead by now.
- If we'd been on that plane, we'd be dead now.
- If we'd taken that plane, we'd be dead now.

Si hubiéramos puesto fruta a las salidas del auditorio

If there were fruits at the auditorium's exit

Tuvimos fases en las que no hubiéramos estado aquí.

We had phases when we wouldn't have been here.

Con sólo un poco más de esfuerzo, hubiéramos triunfado.

With just a little more effort, he would have succeeded.

Tomás nos habría ayudado si se lo hubiéramos pedido.

- Tom would've helped us if we'd asked him.
- Tom would have helped us if we'd asked him.

Hubiéramos podido comprar el auto con un poco más de dinero.

We could have bought the car with a little more money.

Hace 20 años hubiéramos podido sospechar que sí había planetas allá afuera,

20 years ago we may have envisaged that other planets are out there;

De no haber sido por su ayuda hubiéramos fracasado en los negocios.

If it had not been for his help, we would have failed in business.

Nos volveremos a encontrar en Petersburgo, como si hubiéramos enterrado allí el sol.

We shall meet again in Petersburg, as if there we had buried the sun.

No puedo evitar pensar que si nos hubiéramos conocido mejor, nos habríamos hecho amigas.

I can't help but feel that if we had gotten to know each other better, we'd have been friends.

Mientras que si quisieran rezar con el amor de Alá, nunca hubiéramos encontrado tal situación.

whereas if they wanted to pray with the love of Allah, we would never have encountered such a situation.

- Hubiese sido mejor si no hubiésemos hecho eso.
- Hubiera sido mejor si no hubiéramos hecho eso.

- It would've been better if we hadn't done that.
- It would have been better if we hadn't done that.

Te diría más. No seríamos lo que somos si no hubiéramos tenido una coyuntura tan dramática y adversa.

In fact, we wouldn't be who we are if we hadn't lived through such a terrible and adverse political climate.

Decían: ¡Ojalá hubiéramos muerto a manos de Yahvé en el país de Egipto cuando nos sentábamos junto a la olla de carne y comíamos pan hasta hartarnos! Nos habéis traído a este desierto para matar de hambre a toda esta asamblea.

And the children of Israel said to them: Would to God we had died by the hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt, when we sat over the fleshpots, and ate bread to the full: Why have you brought us into this desert, that you might destroy all the multitude with famine?