Translation of "Confrontar" in English

0.022 sec.

Examples of using "Confrontar" in a sentence and their english translations:

Tom quería confrontar a Mary.

Tom wanted to confront Mary.

"a veces tienes que confrontar a tus demonios,

"Sometimes, you have to confront, you have to confront your demons.

Pero la comercialización también significa confrontar el hecho

But commercialization also means confronting the fact

Mary no tiene la suficiente valentía para confrontar a Tom directamente.

Mary doesn't have enough courage to confront Tom directly.

Mientras tanto,Mustafa Pasha cruza el Danubio para confrontar al príncipe valaco.

Meanwhile, Mustafa Pasha crosses the Danube to confront the Wallachian prince.

Quizás inevitablemente, en abril, fueron Macdonald y Ney quienes tomaron la iniciativa al confrontar a Napoleón

Perhaps inevitably, in April, it was Macdonald and Ney who took the lead in confronting Napoleon

Pero antes de que él pueda confrontar a los romanos debe primero abordar sus tres prioridades inmediatas:

But before he can confront the Romans he first tackles his three immediate priorities:

Caesar nos informa que el enemigo utilizo ese tiempo para reunir una gran fuerza para confrontar a los

Caesar informs us that the enemy used that time to gather a large force to confront the

Potencial militar de la máquina de guerra otomana, y que la única manera de confrontar al ejército numéricamente

military potential of the Ottoman war machine, and that the only way to confront Mehmed's

En abril, Ney, franco como siempre, fue uno de los primeros en confrontar a Napoleón con la realidad

In April, Ney - outspoken as ever - was among the first to confront Napoleon with the reality