Translation of "Altamente" in English

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Examples of using "Altamente" in a sentence and their english translations:

Para recrear objetos altamente complejos.

to recreate a highly complex object.

¿Se ríen? Es altamente científico.

You laugh? This is highly scientific.

La heroína es altamente adictiva.

Heroin is highly addictive.

Soy un profesional altamente calificado.

I am a highly qualified professional.

Los humanos se representan altamente estilizados

Highly stylized humans are depicted

La fiebre aftosa es altamente contagiosa.

Foot-and-mouth disease is highly contagious.

Por desgracia, cuando este sistema altamente adaptado

Unfortunately, this highly adapted system,

De otro grupo de científicos altamente acreditados,

of another group of highly credentialed scientists.

La enfermedad altamente contagiosa se ha cobrado

The highly contagious disease has claimed millions of lives

El ajedrez es un juego altamente intelectual.

Chess is a highly intellectual game.

Ellos lo consideran un empleado altamente cualificado.

They consider him a highly qualified employee.

Él está considerado como un empleado altamente cualificado.

He is considered to be a highly qualified employee.

Algunos insecticidas son altamente tóxicos para las abejas.

Some pesticides are highly toxic to bees.

- Esto es ultra secreto.
- Esto es altamente confidencial.

This is top secret.

Como pueden imaginar, este es un proceso altamente complejo.

As you might imagine, this is a highly complex procedure.

Pero esta etapa permanece en una órbita altamente elíptica.

but we leave the second stage in this highly elliptical orbit.

Aun cuando en el pasado estaba altamente motivada académicamente,

When even though I was incredibly academically motivated in the past,

Lo que los datos muestran es un sistema altamente ineficiente

What the data shows us is a highly inefficient system

Me encontré con un equipo de científicos altamente competentes y dedicados,

I found a team of highly competent and dedicated scientists there,

Creo que es altamente improbable que Tom vaya a jugar bolos.

- I think it's highly unlikely that Tom will go bowling.
- I think that it's highly unlikely that Tom will go bowling.
- I think that it's highly unlikely Tom will go bowling.
- I think it's highly unlikely Tom will go bowling.

Creo que es altamente improbable que Tom beba algo de cerveza.

- I think it's highly unlikely that Tom will drink any beer.
- I think that it's highly unlikely that Tom will drink any beer.
- I think that it's highly unlikely Tom will drink any beer.
- I think it's highly unlikely Tom will drink any beer.

Con éxito, porque las narices altamente sensibles de los perros encontraron no

With success, because the dogs' highly sensitive noses found not

- Esto es ultra secreto.
- Esto es altamente confidencial.
- Esto es muy secreto.

- It's top secret.
- This is top secret.

Creo que es altamente improbable que puedas hacer eso por ti mismo.

I think it's highly unlikely that you'll be able to do that by yourself.

Pero tienen un gran inconveniente, la madera es un material altamente inflamable.

But it has one major drawback, it acts as kindling

En la convulsión de la tardía república romana, el ambiente político altamente antagónico

In the upheaval of the late Roman Republic, the highly antagonistic political environment

Es altamente probable que la eliminación del elemento C dará el mismo resultado.

It is highly probable that the deletion of element C will still yield the same result.

Creo que es altamente improbable que vuelva a ver mi motocicleta robada otra vez.

I think it's highly unlikely that I'll ever see my stolen motorcycle again.

Creo que es altamente improbable que alguna vez consigamos cualquier ayuda del gobierno nacional.

I think it's highly unlikely that we'll ever get any help from the national government.

Creo que es altamente improbable que Tom se coma el sándwich que hiciste para él.

I think it's highly unlikely that Tom will eat the sandwich you made for him.

Debo decirle que estos seres fueron humanos, (y) que fueron muy inteligentes y altamente evolucionados.

I must tell you that these beings were humans who were very intelligent and highly evolved.

Él transformó su pequeño negocio familiar en una empresa altamente rentable con más de 200 empleados.

He transformed his small family business into a highly profitable company with more than 200 employees.

Luego pasó a servir como jefe de personal altamente eficaz para el general Brune, luego para Masséna

He went on to serve as a highly effective chief-of-staff to General Brune, then to Masséna

Puede encontrar un enlace al libro altamente recomendado de Tom Shippey sobre sagas vikingas, 'Laughing Shall I

You can find a link to Tom Shippey’s highly-recommended book on Viking sagas, ‘Laughing Shall I

Los hombres sabios pueden no ser altamente educados, los hombres con educación superior pueden no ser sabios.

Wise people are not always highly-educated, and highly-educated people are not always wise.

Muestra que entre los países altamente desarrollados, cuantas más armas hay en un país, más muertes por arma de fuego ocurren.

It shows that among highly developed countries, the more guns in a country, the more gun deaths.

- Creo que es altamente improbable que podamos escapar de esta prisión.
- Creo que es muy improbable que podamos huir de esta cárcel.

I think it's highly unlikely that we'll be able to escape from this prison.

- Creo que es muy complicado que puedas hacer eso tu solo.
- Creo que es altamente improbable que puedas hacer eso por ti mismo.

I think it's highly unlikely that you'll be able to do that by yourself.