Translation of "─cenando" in English

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "─cenando" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Está cenando.
- Ella está cenando.

She is having dinner.

Estamos cenando.

- We are having dinner.
- We're having dinner.

Está cenando.

She is having dinner.

Él está cenando.

He is having dinner.

Porque están cenando.

Because they're eating dinner.

Estamos cenando afuera.

- We are eating dinner outdoors.
- We're eating dinner outdoors.

Estoy cenando ahora.

- I have dinner now.
- I'm having dinner now.
- I'm eating dinner now.

Ella está cenando ahora.

She is having dinner now.

Estoy cenando con mi esposo.

- I am eating dinner with my husband.
- I'm eating dinner with my husband.

En ese momento estaba cenando.

I was eating dinner then.

Estábamos cenando cuando llamó Tom.

We were eating dinner when Tom called.

─¿Y dónde está el jefe? ─Cenando.

- "And where are the bosses?" – "At dinner".
- "And where is the boss?" - "At dinner".

Si no te sientes cómodo cenando

If you don't feel comfortable having dinner

Es de noche. La familia está cenando.

It is night. The family is eating dinner.

Perdona, estaba cenando y no vi el mensaje.

Sorry, I was dining and I didn't see the message.

Tom y Mary ya estaban cenando cuando llegué a casa.

Tom and Mary were already eating dinner when I got home.

Estaba cenando con un amigo en mi nuevo piso en Brighton,

I was at my new flat in Brighton, having dinner with a friend,