Translation of "«creía" in English

0.017 sec.

Examples of using "«creía" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Creía que vendríais.
- Creía que vendría.
- Creía que vendrían.

I believed you'd come.

- Creía que eras más viejo.
- Creía que eras mayor.
- Creía que serías mayor.
- Creía que serías más mayor.

- I thought you'd be older.
- I thought that you'd be older.

Nadie le creía.

- No one believed him.
- Nobody believed him.

Nadie la creía.

No one believed her.

Creía en Tom.

I believed Tom.

Mientras yo creía lo que el sistema creía sobre mí.

while I believed what the system believed about me.

- Creía que Tom estaba durmiendo.
- Creía que Tom estaba dormido.

I thought Tom was sleeping.

- Creía que Tom era amable.
- Creía que Tom era gentil.

I thought that Tom was kind.

Creía que estabas muerto.

I thought you were dead.

Creía que querías verme.

I thought that you wanted to see me.

Creía que era rico.

- I thought that he was rich.
- I thought he was rich.

Creía haberme vuelto inmortal.

I believed to have become immortal.

Creía que te gustaba.

- I thought you liked me.
- I thought that you liked me.

Eso mismo creía yo.

That's exactly what I used to think.

Creía que la conocías.

I thought you knew her.

Creía que estaba enferma.

I thought she was sick.

Creía haber visto algo.

- I thought I saw something.
- I thought that I saw something.

Creía que estaba enfermo.

I thought he was sick.

Creía que estabas embarazada.

I thought you were pregnant.

Él creía en la verdad.

He believed in the truth.

Creía que Tom estaba durmiendo.

I thought Tom was asleep.

Creía que Tom estaba dormido.

I think Tom is sleeping.

Creía que Tom sería diferente.

- I thought Tom would be different.
- I thought that Tom would be different.

Creía que Tom no bebía.

- I thought Tom didn't drink.
- I thought that Tom didn't drink.

Creía que Tom era canadiense.

- I thought Tom was Canadian.
- I thought that Tom was Canadian.
- I thought Tom was a Canadian.

Yo creía que tenías razón.

- I thought you were right.
- I thought that you were right.

Tom de hecho te creía.

Tom actually believed you.

Creía que estaba aquí sola.

I thought I was alone here.

Creía que te habías ido.

- I thought you'd left.
- I thought you'd gone.

Creía que era algo bueno.

I thought that was a good thing.

Creía que era mi hermano.

I thought he was my brother.

Creía que Tom estaba ahí.

- I thought Tom was there.
- I thought that Tom was there.

Creía haberte advertido al respecto.

- I thought I warned you about that.
- I thought that I warned you about that.

Creía que Tom era médico.

- I thought Tom was a doctor.
- I thought that Tom was a doctor.

Nadie le creía a Tom.

Nobody believed Tom.

Tom le creía a María.

Tom believed Mary.

Creía que Tom estaba muerto.

- I thought Tom was dead.
- I thought that Tom was dead.

Creía que hoy estabas libre.

- I thought you were off today.
- I thought that you were off today.

Creía que Tom era amable.

- I thought that Tom was kind.
- I thought Tom was kind.

Creía que me conocías mejor.

I thought you knew me better.

Creía que jugábamos verdaderamente bien.

I thought we played really well.

Creía que los científicos eran personas

I thought that scientists were people

Cannon creía que las muertes vudú

Cannon believed that voodoo deaths

Casi nadie le creía a ella.

Almost no one believed her.

¡No les creía a sus ojos!

He couldn't believe his eyes.

Creía que habías perdido tu reloj.

- I thought you had lost your watch.
- I thought that you had lost your watch.

- Nadie me creyó.
- Nadie me creía.

- No one believed me.
- No one believes me.
- Nobody believes me.
- Nobody believed me.

- Nadie la creyó.
- Nadie la creía.

- No one believed her.
- Nobody believed him.

Creía que estaba haciendo lo correcto.

- I thought I was doing the right thing.
- I believed I was doing the right thing.
- I thought that I was doing the right thing.

Creía que esto sería más divertido.

- I thought this would be more fun.
- I thought that this would be more fun.

Creía que eras amigo de Tom.

- I thought you were Tom's friend.
- I thought that you were Tom's friend.

Creía que no ibas a venir.

I thought you weren't coming.

No creía que fueras tan viejo.

I didn't think you were so old.

Creía que no habías visto nada.

- I thought you didn't see anything.
- I thought that you didn't see anything.

Creía que me estaba volviendo loco.

- I thought I was going crazy.
- I thought I was losing my mind.

Creía que Tom la había fastidiado.

- I thought Tom had blown it.
- I thought that Tom had blown it.

Creía que era su mejor amigo.

I thought I was her best friend.

No es tan fácil como creía.

Not as easy as I thought.

No creía que Tom lo haría.

- I didn't believe Tom would do it.
- I didn't believe that Tom would do it.

Pues creía que había ido bien...

- I thought that went well.
- I thought it went well.
- I thought that that went well.

Creía que íbamos a alguna parte.

- I thought we were going to go somewhere.
- I thought that we were going to go somewhere.

Layla creía que tenía habilidades psíquicas.

Layla believed that she had psychic abilities.

Creía que Tom tenía un perro.

I thought Tom had a dog.

Creía que no te vería nunca.

- I thought that I would never see you.
- I thought that I'd never see you.
- I thought I'd never see you.

Yo creía conocer todas mis fotos familiares,

I believed I knew all my family photos,

Se creía que la tierra era plana.

It was believed that the earth was flat.

Él creía que la Tierra era redonda.

He believed that the earth was round.

Creía que tenías un acuerdo con Tom.

- I thought you had an agreement with Tom.
- I thought that you had an agreement with Tom.

Creía que Tom ya se había ido.

- I thought Tom had already left.
- I thought that Tom had already left.

Él añadió que no se lo creía.

He added that he didn't believe it.

Yo creía que las ballenas eran peces.

I thought that whales are fish.

Tom creía que Mary conocía a John.

- Tom thought Mary knew John.
- Tom thought that Mary knew John.

Creía que la llave lo abriría todo.

I thought the key opened everything.

No creía que Tom fuera a venir.

I didn't think that Tom would come.