Translation of "Aggódott" in English

0.002 sec.

Examples of using "Aggódott" in a sentence and their english translations:

Tom aggódott.

Tom was worried.

Tom aggódott miattad.

Tom was worried about you.

Tom aggódott miatta.

Tom was worried about that.

Aggódott a gyerek egészségéért.

She was anxious about her children's health.

Mi miatt aggódott valójában?

What was she really worried about?

Az anyukám nagyon aggódott.

My mom was very worried.

Érthető, hogy aggódott Tomi.

Tom was understandably concerned.

Úgy tűnt, Tom nagyon aggódott.

Tom seemed very concerned.

Tom aggódott barátja legutóbbi betegsége miatt.

Tom was worried about his friend's recent illness.

Aggódott Tomi, hogy Mari nemet fog mondani.

Tom was afraid that Mary would say no.

Aggódott Mária, hogy az ünnepre túl kevés ételt készített.

Mary was worried that she hadn't cooked enough food for the party.