Translation of "History" in Turkish

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "History" in a sentence and their turkish translations:

History may never see such an extraordinary,

History may never see such an extraordinary,

Für die Ermöglichung von Epic History TV.

ve Epic History TV'yi mümkün kılan

Die in diesen Jahren gegründete Ataturk Culture Language History Institution

o yıllarda kurulan Atatürk Kültür Dil Tarih Yüksek Kurumu'na

Dies ist der Leitfaden von Epic History TV zu Napoleons Marschällen.

Bu, Epic History TV'nin Napolyon'un Marshals rehberidir.

Vielen Dank an alle unsere Patreon-Unterstützer, die Epic History TV ermöglicht haben.

Epic History TV'yi mümkün kılan tüm Patreon destekçilerimize teşekkür ederiz.

So the British attack at Cambrai, with the first major tank assault in history.

So the British attack at Cambrai, with the first major tank assault in history.

Vielen Dank auch an alle unsere Patreon-Unterstützer, die Epic History TV möglich gemacht haben.

Wenn Sie die Geschichte lieben, werden Sie in Versuchung geführt Dutzende ihrer Kurse - 'The Big History