Translation of "Wisse" in English

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Examples of using "Wisse" in a sentence and their english translations:

Tom wünschte, er wisse Marys Telefonnummer.

Tom wished that he knew Mary's telephone number.

Tom sagte, er wisse es nicht.

- Tom said he doesn't know.
- Tom said that he doesn't know.

Er sagte, er wisse es nicht.

- He said that he didn't know.
- He said he didn't know.

Sie sagte, sie wisse es nicht.

She said she didn't know.

Tom antwortete, er wisse es nicht.

- Tom's answer was that he didn't know.
- Tom answered that he didn't know.

- Tom sagte, er wisse nicht, was nicht stimme.
- Tom sagte, er wisse nicht, was los sei.

- Tom said he didn't know what was wrong.
- Tom said that he didn't know what was wrong.

Wisse, was auch geschieht: ich liebe dich!

Whatever happens, I want you to know that I love you.

Er antwortete, dass er es nicht wisse.

He replied that he did not know.

Tom sagt, er wisse die Antwort bereits.

Tom says he already knows the answer.

Tom sagte, er wisse, wie das sei.

- Tom said he knew what that was like.
- Tom said that he knew what that was like.

Tom sagte, er wisse, wie das geht.

- Tom said he knew how to do that.
- Tom said that he knew how to do that.

Maria sagt, sie wisse die Antwort bereits.

Mary says she already knows the answer.

Er fragte mich, ob ich ihre Telefonnummer wisse.

He asked me if I knew her telephone number.

Tom sagte mir, er wisse, wo Maria wohnt.

Tom told me he knew where Mary lived.

Du hast doch gesagt, niemand wisse von uns.

- I thought you said nobody knew about us.
- I thought that you said nobody knew about us.
- I thought that you said that nobody knew about us.
- I thought you said that nobody knew about us.
- I thought that you said that no one knew about us.

Tom sagte, er wisse nicht, warum Maria fehle.

- Tom said he didn't know why Mary was absent.
- Tom said that he didn't know why Mary was absent.

Tom sagte, er wisse nicht, wo Maria wohne.

- Tom said he didn't know where Mary lived.
- Tom said that he didn't know where Mary lived.

Er stritt ab, dass er irgendetwas drüber wisse.

He denied knowing anything about it.

Tom sagte, er wisse, wer es getan habe.

- Tom said he knew who did it.
- Tom said that he knew who did it.

Maria sagte, sie wisse nicht, wo Tom sei.

Mary said she didn't know where Tom was.

Sage nicht, was du weißt! Wisse, was du sagst!

Don't say what you know; know what you say.

Ich fragte ihn, ob er wisse, wie ich heiße.

I asked him if he knew my name.

Tom sagte, er wisse nicht, wann Maria eintreffen würde.

- Tom said he didn't know when Mary would be arriving.
- Tom said that he didn't know when Mary would be arriving.

Tom sagt, er wisse schon, wie man das macht.

Tom says he already knows how to do that.

Tom sagte, er wisse nicht, warum Maria wütend sei.

- Tom said he didn't know why Mary was angry.
- Tom said that he didn't know why Mary was angry.

Tom sagt, er wisse nicht, wann die Sitzung anfängt.

Tom says he doesn't know when the meeting starts.

Tom sagt, er wisse nicht, wann Maria geboren wurde.

Tom says he doesn't know when Mary was born.

Tom sagte, er wisse nicht, was er tun solle.

- Tom said he didn't know what he was supposed to do.
- Tom said that he didn't know what he was supposed to do.

Tom fragte Maria, ob sie wisse, wo Johannes arbeite.

Tom asked Mary if she knew where John worked.

Maria meinte, sie wisse, was Tom zu tun habe.

Mary said she thought she knew what Tom needed to do.

Maria sagte, sie wisse nicht, wem sie vertrauen könne.

Mary said she didn't know who she could trust.

Maria sagte, sie wisse nicht, wer das getan habe.

Mary said she didn't know who did that.

Tom sagte, er wisse nicht, was Maria tun solle.

- Tom said he didn't know what Mary was supposed to do.
- Tom said that he didn't know what Mary was supposed to do.

Tom fragte mich, ob ich wisse, wer Maria sei.

Tom asked me if I knew who Mary was.

Eine Freundin sagte, seit der Geburt ihrer Tochter wisse sie,

I have a friend who said that when her daughter was born,

Tom sagte, dass er nicht wisse, was zu tun sei.

- Tom said he didn't know what to do.
- Tom said that he didn't know what to do.

Tom sagte, dass er wisse, wo die Leiche vergraben sei.

- Tom said he knew where the body was buried.
- Tom said that he knew where the body was buried.

Tom sagt, er wisse nicht, ob er das tun müsse.

Tom says he doesn't know if he has to do that.

Tom sagte, er wisse nicht, warum Maria das tun müsse.

- Tom said he didn't know why Mary had to do that.
- Tom said that he didn't know why Mary had to do that.

Der Lehrer sagte, er wisse die Antwort auf meine Frage nicht.

The teacher said he did not know the answer to my question.

Tom sagt, er wisse nicht, wo Maria ihre Perlenkette gekauft hat.

Tom says he doesn't know where Mary bought her pearl necklace.

Tom sagte Maria, dass er nicht wisse, was er tun solle.

Tom told Mary that he didn't know what to do.

Ich habe Tom gefragt, ob er wisse, wie mein Bruder heiße.

I asked Tom if he knew my brother's name.

Tom meinte, er wisse nicht, wo Maria ihr Rad gekauft habe.

- Tom said he doesn't know where Mary bought her bicycle.
- Tom said that he doesn't know where Mary bought her bicycle.

Tom fragte Maria, ob sie wisse, mit wem Johannes verheiratet sei.

Tom asked Mary if she knew who John was married to.

Tom fragte mich, ob ich wisse, wie man zu Maria komme.

Tom asked me if I knew how to get to Mary's house.

Als das Mädchen ausgescholten wurde, tat es, als wisse es von nichts.

When the girl was scolded, she assumed a look of innocence.

Tom sagte, er wisse nicht, warum Maria mit ihm Schluss machen wolle.

- Tom said he didn't know why Mary wanted to break up with him.
- Tom said that he didn't know why Mary wanted to break up with him.

Ich rief Tom an und fragte, ob er wisse, wann Maria ankomme.

I called and asked Tom if he knew when Mary would be arriving.

Tom sagte, dass er wisse, wo Maria das gestohlene Geld versteckt habe.

- Tom said he knew where Mary had hidden the money she had stolen.
- Tom said that he knew where Mary had hidden the money she had stolen.

- Er sagte, er weiß es nicht.
- Er sagte, er wisse es nicht.

He said that he didn't know.

Tom sagte, dass er dachte, Maria wisse, warum Johann Polizist geworden war.

Tom said that he thought Mary knew why John had become a policeman.

Tom meinte, dass Maria wisse, wo Johannes ihren verlorenen Schlüssel gefunden habe.

Tom said that he thought Mary knew where John had found the key she'd lost.

Maria sagte, Tom wisse, dass sie das in seinem Beisein vielleicht dürfte.

Mary said Tom knew she might be allowed to do that if he did it with her.

Tom meinte, dass er nicht so recht wisse, was er kaufen solle.

- Tom said he didn't really know what to buy.
- Tom said that he didn't really know what to buy.

- Tony sagte, dass er es nicht weiß.
- Tom sagte, er wisse es nicht.

- Tom said he didn't know.
- Tom said that he didn't know.

Tom fragte Maria, ob sie wisse, wann mit Johannes’ Erscheinen zu rechnen sei.

Tom asked Mary if she knew when John was supposed to be there.

Maria wisse, sagte Tom, dass er das möglicherweise gar nicht allein verrichten müsse.

- Tom said Mary knew he might not need to do that by himself.
- Tom said that Mary knew he might not need to do that by himself.
- Tom said that Mary knew that he might not need to do that by himself.

Maria sagte, sie wisse, dass sie das nicht so gut könne wie Tom.

Mary said that she knows she can't do that as well as Tom.

- Er leugnete, irgendetwas davon zu wissen.
- Er stritt ab, dass er irgendetwas drüber wisse.

He denied knowing anything about it.

- Er antwortete, dass er es nicht wüsste.
- Er antwortete, dass er es nicht wisse.

He replied that he did not know.

Tom sagt, dass er etwas über Maria wisse, was uns noch nicht bekannt sei.

Tom says he knows something about Mary that we don't know yet.

Ich sagte dir ja, dass ich nicht wisse, ob Tom dir die Wahrheit sagen werde.

I told you I don't know if Tom will tell the truth.

Tom sagte mir, dass er etwas hören könne, aber nicht sicher wisse, was es sei.

- Tom told me that he could hear something, but he wasn't sure what it was.
- Tom told me he could hear something, but he wasn't sure what it was.

- Tom sagte, er wisse nicht, wo Maria wohne.
- Tom sagte, er kenne Marys Adresse nicht.

- Tom said he didn't know Mary's address.
- Tom said that he didn't know Mary's address.

Sie zwinkerte mir zu, als ob sie mir zu verstehen geben wollte, dass sie alles wisse.

She winked at me as much as to say she knew everything.

Als ich ihn fragte, ob er wisse, wo sie sei, zuckte er nur mit den Schultern.

When I asked him if he knew where she was he just shrugged his shoulders.

Maria sagte, dass sie wisse, dass es vielleicht gar nicht nötig sei, dass Tom das tue.

Mary said she knew Tom might not be required to do that.

- Ich fragte ihn, ob er wisse, wie ich heiße.
- Ich fragte ihn, ob er meinen Namen kennt.

I asked him if he knew my name.

- Maria sagte, sie habe gewusst, dass Tom das tun würde.
- Maria sagte, sie wisse, dass Tom das tun würde.

Mary said she knew that Tom would do that.

- Der Lehrer sagte, er wüsste die Antwort auf meine Frage nicht.
- Der Lehrer sagte, er wisse die Antwort auf meine Frage nicht.

The teacher said that he didn't know the answer to my question.

- Tom sagte, dass er dachte, dass Mary wüsste, von wem John hoffte, dass er die Wahl gewinnen würde.
- Tom vermutete, dass Maria wisse, wer der von Johannes erhoffte Wahlsieger sei.

Tom said that he thought Mary knew who John hoped would win the election.