Translation of "Prit" in English

0.020 sec.

Examples of using "Prit" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Tom prit rapidement une douche.
- Tom prit une douche rapide.

Tom took a quick shower.

L'homme prit mon bras.

The man took my arm.

Il prit un raccourci.

He took a short cut.

Il prit trois poissons.

He caught three fish.

Elle prit ma main.

She took my hand.

Tom prit le poste.

Tom took the job.

Le feu prit instantanément.

The fire started immediately.

Le rideau prit feu.

- The curtain caught fire.
- The curtain caught on fire.

Tom prit une douche.

Tom took a shower.

Elle prit son livre.

She took her book.

Elle prit la mouche.

She stormed off in a huff.

La maison prit feu.

The house caught fire.

Et prit Milet par siège.

and took Miletus by siege.

Une infirmière prit ma température.

A nurse took my temperature.

L'hospitalisation du patient prit fin.

The patient was discharged from hospital.

Le docteur prit mon pouls.

- The doctor felt my pulse.
- The doctor took my pulse.

Elle prit la nouvelle calmement.

She took the news calmly.

Elle prit soin de l'enfant.

She took care of the child.

Il prit l'express pour Tokyo.

He took the express for Tokyo.

Il prit un air grave.

He looks stern.

Tom prit rapidement une douche.

Tom took a quick shower.

Elle prit une profonde respiration.

She took a deep breath.

Il prit un gros risque.

He took a big risk.

Il prit l'ascenseur avec elle.

He took the elevator with her.

Cela prit exactement une heure.

It took exactly an hour.

Il prit une nouvelle identité.

He took on a new identity.

Elle sourit et prit congé.

She smiled and said goodbye.

Tom prit le mauvais train.

Tom took the wrong train.

Il prit une profonde inspiration.

He took a deep breath.

Ma mère prit ma température.

My mother took my temperature.

Elle prit un gros risque.

She took a big risk.

Elle me prit la main.

She took my hand.

Tom prit une douche rapide.

Tom took a quick shower.

Le taxi prit deux passagers.

The taxi picked up two passengers.

Le chasseur prit le renard.

The hunter caught the fox.

L'espion prit contact avec l'ennemi.

The spy made contact with the enemy.

Tom prit un des sandwiches.

Tom took one of the sandwiches.

Sami prit son petit-déjeuner.

Sami had breakfast.

Il me prit au dépourvu.

He caught me off-guard.

Elle prit un livre de l'étagère.

She took down a book from the shelf.

Elle prit soin de mon chien.

She took care of my dog.

Il me prit par le bras.

He caught me by the arm.

Il me prit par le col.

He took me by the collar.

Il me prit pour ma mère.

He mistook me for my mother.

Elle me prit pour mon frère.

She took my brother for me.

Il prit un jour de congé.

He took a day off.

Il prit un livre de l'étagère.

He took a book from the bookshelf.

Elle le prit à la gare.

She picked him up at the station.

Il la prit dans ses bras.

He hugged her.

Tom la prit dans ses bras.

Tom took her in his arms.

Sa question le prit par surprise.

Her question took him by surprise.

Sami prit cinq ou six photos.

Sami took five or six photos.

- Père prit place au bout de la table.
- Papa prit place au bout de la table.

- Father took his place at the head of the table.
- Father took his place at head of the table.

- Elle prit congé de son ami en pleurs.
- Elle prit congé de son ami, en pleurs.

She parted from her friend in tears.

Notre armée prit le royaume par surprise.

Our army took the kingdom by surprise.

Petit à petit il en prit l’habitude.

It became his habit by degrees.

L'homme prit le garçon par la main.

The man took the boy by the hand.

Elle prit l'un des vases en verre.

She picked up one of the glass vases.

Le vieux couple le prit pour mort.

The old couple gave him up for lost.

Il prit une photo de la famille.

He took a photograph of the family.