Translation of "Dédié" in English

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Dédié" in a sentence and their english translations:

Aujourd'hui Nicolas m'a dédié un script.

Nicolas dedicated a script to me today.

Dédié aux dépenses militaires et de défense,

for military and defense-related spending,

Sami a dédié sa vie à Dieu.

Sami gave his life to God.

C'est ce à quoi j'ai dédié ma vie :

This is what I have dedicated my life to:

Ce magasin est dédié aux ustensiles de cuisine.

At that shop they deal in kitchen utensils.

Il a dédié sa vie à la paix.

He dedicated his life to peace.

Il a dédié sa vie à combattre la corruption.

He dedicated his life to fighting corruption.

Son père a dédié sa vie à la science.

His father dedicated his life to science.

Il a dédié sa vie à l'étude de la science.

He devoted his life to the study of science.

Elle a écrit un livre dédié à sa mère, Sidonie.

- She has written a book and dedicated it to her mother Sidonie.
- She wrote a book, dedicating it to her mother Sidonie.

La ville a dédié un monument en l'honneur du général.

The city dedicated a monument in honor of the general.

Il a dédié sa vie à la préservation de l'environnement.

He has dedicated his life to the preservation of nature.

Ce monument est dédié aux soldats qui donnèrent leurs vies à leur pays.

This monument is dedicated to the soldiers who gave their lives to their country.

En fait, elle a aussi récité un poème dédié à son mari à leurs débuts.

In fact, she also read a poem that she had written when they first met.

- Son père a dévoué sa vie à la science.
- Son père a dédié sa vie à la science.

- Her father devoted his life to science.
- Her father dedicated his life to science.
- His father dedicated his life to science.

- Il a dédié sa vie à la préservation de l'environnement.
- Il a consacré sa vie à la préservation de la nature.

He has dedicated his life to the preservation of nature.