Translation of "Startled" in Turkish

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "Startled" in a sentence and their turkish translations:

- You startled me!
- You startled me.

Beni korkuttun!

Tom was startled.

Tom ürktü.

You startled us.

Bizi korkuttun.

Everybody was startled.

Herkes korkmuştu.

You startled me!

Beni korkuttun!

She startled him.

O onu ürküttü.

Tom startled Mary.

Tom, Mary'yi ürküttü.

The noise startled him.

Gürültü onu korkuttu.

The noise startled Tom.

Gürültü Tom'u ürküttü.

Tom is easily startled.

Tom kolayca korkutuluyor.

Horses are easily startled.

Atlar kolayca ürkütülüyor.

Tom's voice startled me.

Tom'un sesi beni ürkütüyordu.

- I'm sorry I startled you.
- I'm sorry that I startled you.

Seni ürküttüğüm için özür dilerim.

- Tom said I looked startled.
- Tom said that I looked startled.

Tom korkmuş göründüğümü söyledi.

- Tom looked alarmed.
- Tom looked startled.
- Tom looks dismayed.
- Tom seems startled.

Tom şaşkın görünüyordu.

Tom looked a bit startled.

Tom biraz korkmuş gibi görünüyordu.

The loud noise startled Tom.

Yüksek ses Tom'u korkuttu.

We were startled by the explosion.

Patlamadan dolayı ürktük.

- I was startled.
- I was alarmed.


Tom was startled by the noise.

Tom gürültüden korktu.

I'm sorry if I startled you.

Seni korkuttuysam üzgünüm.

I was startled for a second.

Bir saniyeliğine ürkmüştüm.

Tom looked startled for a moment.

Tom bir an için ürkmüş göründü.

Sorry if I startled you, ladies.

Sizi korkuttuysam özür dilerim, bayanlar.

I was startled when I saw it.

Onu gördüğümde şaşkındım.

The cawing of a crow startled me.

Bir karganın gaklaması beni ürküttü.

- Horses are easily spooked.
- Horses are easily startled.

Atlar kolayca ürkütülür.

He was so startled that he ran outside barefoot.

O kadar ürkmüştü ki yalınayak dışarı koştu.

- Tom looks surprised.
- Tom seems startled.
- Tom seems surprised.

Tom şaşırmış görünüyor.

- Tom looked puzzled.
- Tom looked startled.
- Tom seemed bewildered.

Tom şaşkın görünüyordu.

She woke up suddenly, startled by her terrible nightmare!

Gördüğü kabustan korkmuş bir şekilde aniden uyandı.

- Tom was a little startled.
- Tom was a little confused.

Tom biraz şaşkındı.

These animals were startled by the noise of the fireworks.

Bu hayvanlar havai fişek gürültüsüyle ürkütüldü.

- He was alarmed by the explosion.
- He was startled by the explosion.

Patlamadan irkildi.

- Tom seemed to be very scared.
- Tom seemed to be startled.
- Tom seemed very scared.
- Tom looked very scared.

Tom çok korkmuş görünüyordu.

- Tom appears astonished.
- Tom appears disoriented.
- Tom looks baffled.
- Tom looks disoriented.
- Tom looks rattled.
- Tom looks surprised.
- Tom seems disoriented.
- Tom seems startled.
- Tom seems surprised.
- Tom appears to be disoriented.

Tom şaşırmış görünüyor.

- Tom looked terrified.
- Tom looked scared.
- Tom seemed to be afraid.
- Tom seemed to be terrified.
- Tom seemed to be scared.
- Tom seemed frightened.
- Tom looked frightened.
- Tom seemed startled.
- Tom seemed scared.
- Tom seemed afraid.

Tom korkmuş görünüyordu.