Translation of "Sergeant" in Turkish

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Examples of using "Sergeant" in a sentence and their turkish translations:

He's a platoon sergeant.

O bir müfreze çavuşu.

Tom became a police sergeant.

Tom bir polis çavuşu oldu.

A captain is above a sergeant.

Bir yüzbaşı bir astsubayın üstündedir.

The sergeant ordered the private to do push ups.

Çavuş ere şınav çekmesini emretti.

There was a sergeant that I particularly hated in the army.

Orduda özellikle nefret ettiğim bir çavuş vardı.

Sergeant Dan Anderson ordered a barricade erected around the police station.

Çavuş Dan Anderson polis karakolunun etrafına barikat dikilmesini emretti.

Layla was serving as a sergeant in the US armed forces.

Leyla, ABD silahlı kuvvetlerinde çavuş olarak görev yapıyordu.

Soult’s rise from sergeant to brigadier-general took less than three years.

Soult'un çavuştan tümgeneralliğe yükselişi üç yıldan az sürdü.

He became a tough, capable sergeant, and in the build-up to the Revolutionary Wars, joined

Sert, yetenekli bir çavuş oldu ve Devrim Savaşları'nın oluşumunda yeni bir

He soon distinguished himself as a fine horseman and fencer, and was a senior sergeant by the

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