Translation of "Tiles" in Spanish

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Tiles" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

- Some roof tiles have fallen off.
- Some of the roof tiles have fallen off.
- Some tiles have fallen off the roof.
- Some tiles have come off the roof.

Se cayeron algunas tejas.

Mind you don't slip on the wet tiles.

Tenga cuidado de no resbalar en las baldosas mojadas.

The tiles that fell from the roof broke into pieces.

Las tejas que cayeron del tejado se rompieron en pedazos.

And I still remember the blue tiles to this day.

y aún recuerdo los azulejos azules hasta hoy.

Is what appears to be a strange patterns of tiles.

lo que parece ser un extraño patrón de baldosas.

The pool is closed because they are changing the broken tiles.

La piscina está cerrada porque están cambiando los baldosines rotos.

The neighbor's cat spilled its cup of milk on the floor tiles.

El gato del vecino derramó su taza de leche sobre las baldosas.

The tiles that fell from the roof broke into very small pieces.

Las tejas que cayeron del tejado se rompieron en pedacitos.

The gust of wind ripped a large number of tiles off the roof.

La ráfaga arrancó varios ladrillos del techo.

We'd put seven tiles in a row, then roll the ball and try to knock it down

poníamos siete fichas en una fila, luego rodamos la pelota e intentamos derribarla